Author's Note

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I really can't believe it's done. I actually finished it a couple of days ago and I almost started crying. Unless you have finished writing a story all on your own for the first time I don't think you guys understand the feeling.

I'm beyond happy! Ugly, crying happy tears estatic!

Maybe, with enough likes and comments, I'll be able to get it published one day. For now I am thrilled with all the support and love I am getting!

I'd like to clear up something up though so you aren't all super upset at me.


I know some of you aren't gonna be happy with that ending but I really truly believe that this is what was best for the ending of this book.

I was so stumped for the longest time on how I should end this story and I kept thinking about what would make you, the readers, happy and of course it would have been that Dani and Nova have a happily ever after! And even though that might still be the case (I won't give out any spoilers) I couldn't stop myself every time I sat down to finish the last chapter in writing the end this way. Their story is far from over and as a writer I feel that it is my duty to make sure their story is told. So I feel good about the way I ended it and I hope you guys do too!

From personal experience it never mattered to me whether a story ended happily or not as long as the ending fit for the characters and it made sense. I really believe that Dani and Nova have a lot more to overcome and an adventure that goes farther than I could ever try to fit into one book!

So yes, there will be a sequel.

I just recently finished editing this story (for those of you who read this story before I changed it  up a bit, God Bless you.) And although there was some things I'd still definitely like to change I am actually really proud of myself with how it turned out! 

And now that this story is at a place where I am happy with I'm going to focus on as much of my energy as I can in writing the sequel. This is just going to be a duology so don't worry about anymore cliffhangers! It's SO exhausting writing an entire book and editing and then having it at a place where you're happy with it. BUT so rewarding. I would definitely recommend it to anyone. Don't give up! Lord knows I did for years.

And and and! Because of this book I have so many ideas for future ones. Spin-offs if you will. So that's something to look for in the future.

This has been an incredible journey. Beyond incredible. I have officially checked something off the bucket list that I never would have thought I was capable of.

One more thing! In a few months I would really love to have a chapter added to this book with all your questions and my answers! So if you're confused about something or if someone that something did doesn't make sense to you PLEASE comment them below! It'll probably be answered in the next chapter when I finally get enough answers.

Thank you so much to everyone who commented and voted.

Remember, if you like a book make sure that you vote and comment! You don't understand how much that helps out for those trying to get their book out there!

As always, you guys rock.


Halfway There | COMPLETE ✔ + Sequelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن