Chapter 21 - Thomas Jay Connors

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"What do you even wear to this type of thing?!" I groaned out loud.

"What? A date?" Bella asked from her bed, not looking away from her phone.

"Uh," I actually meant 'what do you even wear to an underground fighting match' but I couldn't really explain that to her so I answered, "Yeah, I've never had one." This wasn't a lie.

"You've never been on a date?" Bella asked, clearly surprised.

"Um, No?"

"Really? You and Nova have been dating for almost a couple months now and he's never taken you out before?" I bit down on my lip.

"What color do you think looks better on me? Blue or Red?" I quickly changed the subject, I didn't want to have to lie to Bella.

"Oh! That green shirt you wear sometimes looks so good with your skin tone! And it makes your eyes pop!" She added. 'Pop?' I mouthed to myself when I turned my back to her.

I spent the entire day trying to distract myself from the thought of where I would be tonight. I did laundry, cleaned, finished any assignments I had and it still wasn't enough to keep my mind occupied but it definitely made the day go by a lot faster.

My heart nearly thudded out of my chest when I looked up at the clock and it was already 8PM and for the last forty five minutes, I was trying to figure out what would be appropriate to wear to a thing like this. I mean it was technically a club but I didn't plan on doing any dancing while I was there. In fact, I was going to try and stay hidden as much as possible, if I could.

Bella sighed at her phone as I walked to the closet to pull out the green shirt that she was referring to, "Kendall just texted me that she and Liam are going out tonight. You're about to go out with Nova and Thomas hasn't even texted me once tonight!"

"Why hasn't he texted you?" I asked, pulling the shirt over my head.

"He works tonight with his dad." She sighed again, "They have some kind of opening out in Las Vegas that he needs to be apart of."

I walked over to my phone and noticed a text message from Nova.

I'm outside. Ready?

"I guess I could see if Alison wants to do anything. We haven't hung out in forever."

"That's because she's been acting so immature." I muttered. I wish I could tell Bella about the lies Alison was telling her but it wasn't my secret to tell, regardless of what kind of person she was.


"Yeah, yeah. She's heartbroken, I get it but that still doesn't give her the right to act that way."

She probably thought the same thing I did but I know she felt a strong urge to stand up for her, even when Alison is so clearly in the wrong.

"I have to go." I grabbed a small bag that I used when I didn't use my backpack and put my wallet and phone in it. "I'll see you later. Bye, Bells." I said as I threw on my coat.

She gave me a sad wave before I walked out of the door. Almost tripping as I ran down the stairs. Nova stood outside the building waiting perfectly and patiently for me while I stood in the lobby for a moment to calm my outrageous breathing.

His smiled when he noticed me walking down the steps and I immediately realized that all I needed to relax my anxious limbs was to be near him.

"Hey," he greeted me.

"Hi." I said back with bright cheeks.

I half expected us to walk all the way to town center but instead he walked me to the campus parking lot and guided me towards an unfamiliar black truck.

Halfway There | COMPLETE ✔ + SequelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora