Chapter 31 - New Point of View

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Before – Nova's POV

"Does it hurt?" She asked, leaning over the center console of the car to press her cold finger on the bruise that had formed on my face. I flinched away, surprised at how cold her hands actually were but let her touch the bruise regardless. "Should we go get it checked out?"

I let out a short laugh at her concern. It was amazing how worried she was for my sake, when I had taken beatings so much worse than this. She should only concern herself with her own safety. "With what money, Dani?" I asked laughing at her suggestion.

It was the worse fight I had in a long time and I was honestly ashamed of how poorly I had done tonight. I let my anger get in the way that could have cost me the chance to move forward and finally get Dani out of this ridiculous rule.

I watched her scrunch her nose at my comment right as we pulled into the campus parking lot. We both looked down at the clock as it read 12:56 PM. I watched her look at the dark campus and sigh in defeat. I knew she was thinking about not wanting to go inside.

"I'm actually kind of exhausted." She said still looking out the window.

I smiled at her, "You're telling me. I work a double tomorrow too." I ran my fingers through my hair at the thought of working 16 full hours tomorrow. "It's going to be a long day." She turned to look at me with sad eyes.

I hated when she looked at me that way because I knew she felt some kind of responsibility to somehow try and make my life easier but I wish she knew how much she already made my life easier. It was me who should feel guilty for the way she felt.

She leaned in closer as she brushed the hair out of my face, "I don't think I've ever met someone as incredible as you." I smiled at her in embarrassment. She didn't have the slightest clue how amazing she was and I wish I could just open up my mind and show her all how truly magnificent she is.

I leaned in so that the space between us was no more. I hoped that she could feel how wonderful I think she is through me and by the way she kissed me back I really think she did.

"I'll see you Monday?" I asked when I finally pulled away. I chuckled at the little lip pout that she always did when I dropped her off for the night. There were so many things I hoped she knew and one of them is how much I hate leaving her side.

I kissed her forehead, "Three more fights, Dani" I reminded her. "And then you're free. I promise."

I watched her nervously bite down on her lip and look away. No doubt she was anxious to finally be able to not have to ever go back to that place. She gave me a small smile, gave me a quick peck on the cheek and jumped out the car.

I only have 3 more fights. 3 more fights to make sure I win so that Dani can be safe and free. That's all it takes. I wouldn't disappoint her. I couldn't disappoint her. I know how strong she is and all that she has been through but I can see how much going down to The Hit affects her. I can see how much she would rather be anywhere else in the world but there. Maybe, if she would want to, I could ask her to watch over Stella so that she isn't constantly alone anymore.

I shook my head at the thought. The point of winning the tournament is so that Dani can choose to leave is she wants to. I couldn't ask her to take over responsibility for something that is mine.

I pulled the car out of the parking spot and started my way home. I almost wished that Stella was there so I wouldn't be alone when I got there but I knew she wouldn't be. She was happy and safe at Penny's.

The entire drive home I focused on the low rumble of the engine of my car. My car. I still found that so strange to think. I can't remember the last time something was my own and I will never be able to repay Kyle for what he has done. I couldn't ask for a better friend.

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