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The more I think about it the more I wish I just ran off and didn't pussy out when given the opportunity. I sat in third period staring at the clock, waiting until I could go to Finns Class and just give him the biggest hug ever.

My teacher was giving us a lecture about how we should be trashing the halls and shit but do you think anyone is going to listen? Probably not I mean we're in high school.

I'm counting the days till I graduate we still have 80 days left till we leave. I started to draw in my journal as I waited for the bell to ring. As soon as the bell rang the teacher yelled at us saying he'll dismiss us not the bell.

I texted in the group chat with Seth,Grace, and Finn.

I'm so boredddd

I'm literally teaching

And we're literally learning

I chuckled slightly and put my phone in my bag and left the class. I walked to Finns class during my free period and he opened the door and looked at me up and down, "damn" I giggled, "what?" He pulled me in and closed the door and pressed me against it, "I mean damn, how lucky am I to have you?"

I blushed and he kissed me passionately for a while and pressed himself against me. He pulled away and took a breathe and looked at me, " I love you Val" he pulled me in for a hug and I muffled against him, "I love you too finn"

He kissed me once more and I left to go to lunch. Me and Seth and Grace sat at our usual table. Seth and grace started talking about dean and I got deep into thinking. What if Finn doesn't really like me ya know? Maybe he just can't wait until I leave.

I started to scratch my arm roughly as I was thinking a grace put her hand on mine, "Stop" I looked at her then at my bleeding arm. Grace always knew me best. She knows my old and new habits and can even finish my sentences when I can't. I nodded and smiled at her and she smiled back at me.

Seth poked my nose, "So your anniversary with Finn is coming up, what are you gonna do?" I looked at him, "Something" he chuckled, "What will that something be? And do you need help?" I shook my head, "I have everything planned"

We got dismissed from lunch to our classes. I walked into Finns class and winked at him and he chuckled and leaned against his desk, "Okay class it's that time where we have a project". Everyone let out groans and someone yelled out, "What if we don't want to" Finn chuckled, "then you'll fail my class and won't graduate".

The student rolled his eyes," Whatever Bálor" Finn glared at him and the kids eyes widened, "I- I mean M-mr.Bálor" the class began to laugh and Finn looked at me, "Valarie pass out the syllabus for the project" I sighed and got out of my chair and grabbed the papers and started to pass them out.

The kid yelled out in a comedic way, "A POSTER PROJECT?!" Finn rolled his eyes, "Yes Mr. Jones" he groaned, "Whatever man, looks like I'll see you guys in two years" everyone started to laugh again

I chucked, "if you even graduate in two years" the class started to oo. The guy stood up, "Is that right Matthews?" I nodded, "Well go back to screwing that secret guy of yours." My eyes widened and some people started ooing. Seth looked at Finn and Finn turned away.

The kid walked up to me, "There's hickies all over your neck. We know you've been screwing someone" Seth walked towards me, "Hey man back off her" the kid smirked, "So is he your dirty little secret?" He said in a teasing tone and got closer to me and Seth stepped in.

He stepped in between us and said through his gritted teeth, "Get. Away.From. Her!" He shoved the guy and the guy shoved him back, "Don't want to see someone next to your girl?" He teased and Seth punched him.

Everyone gasped and Finn took me and grace out of the room and tried to break up the fight. Grace and I peaked our heads in from the hallway and watched Seth throw punches to the kids face.

Students were chanting and others were recording. We saw blood on the floor and we ran in to pull them apart. I held Seth as Finn held the student.

The student had blood running down his face and Seth smirked as I held him back, "Don't ever talk about my best friend or even get near her you prick"

I grabbed Seth and took him to the girls bathroom and started to clean his hands and face, "you dumbass" I mumbled and he chuckled, "he shouldn't have cane near your or talked to you like that".

I rolled my eyes as I wrapped his hand in bandages and cleaned the cuts on his face, "I think you broke his nose" he smiled and flung he's as he smiled, "good, he deserves it that little bitch"

"Finn looked uncomfortable" I looked at Seth and he nodded, "Yeah... maybe you guys should keep it on the down low for right now" I shrugged, " I guess".

After I finished putting the bandages on Seth we drove to my house and watched a movie with grace while Seth was at his house. Finn texted me and I groaned and looked at my phone.

Come over princess. I need help.

I blushed as I read the text and told Grace and Seth I'd be back and drove to Seth's house. I knocked on the door and he opened it, "hey baby".

Sorry it's short I haven't been the best

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