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The day ended and I walked to Finn's car a few block away. I sat down and shut the door and Finn locked it, "Who do you think you are doing what you did in class?"

I smiled and batted my eyelashes, "Me? What did I do?" He growled lowly, "You know what you did", I rolled my eyes, " I didn't do anything at all"

He huffed, " fine be that way babe, two can play it that way" I scoffed, "Yeah okay," he chuckled lowly, in a sexy way that made me shiver.

He smirks, " baby, I'm irresistible" I blush slightly, " I-i can resist you" He chuckles once more, "Bet."

He pulled into the driveway and I went to grab my bag out of the back seat and as I did that I yelped as Finn slapped my ass, "H-hey!" I blushed as I opened the door.

He put his hands up in defense, " I didn't do anything" he gets out and locks the car. We get inside the house and he closes and locks the door.

Finn takes his shirt off and throws it next to me, "I'm going to shower, I'm all sweaty and shit" he winks at me and then goes upstairs to the bathroom.

I take off his sweater and put it next to me and start doing homework. Pfft I can resist him. It's not that hard. I give up on doing my homework and lie down, reading The Darkness mine.

I couldn't focus on the reading, all the words looked like gibberish, maybe that's because I was skimming over the words.

I heard footsteps leading to me and sighed and licked my lips. I looked over my book and saw finn turned around in only a towel. My cheeks turned a dark red.

He turned around towards me and I quickly got back to "reading", "Hey want do you want for dinner?" I ignored him. He walked closer to me, "hello?" He sighs as he got in between my legs, pressing up against me, took my book, and closed it.

He smirked, teasing me, "I said what do you want for dinner babygirl" I shrugged, " don't know, don't care" he moves back from surprise.

"Sassy are we now?" Shrugs, "I guess, I mean maybe maybe I'm just resisting you" He chuckles, "Yeah okay babygirl, I'm gonna order pizza. Is that alright?"

I nodded, "Yeah that's good" he got off me and went upstairs to put clothes on. I decided to do a bit of teasing myself. I walked into Finn's workout room and put on my shorts and sports bra.

I got onto the treadmill and started walking slowly at the beginning and going faster every few minutes. I looked behind me as I was running on the treadmill and saw nobody. After about 45 minutes I got off, dripping sweat, and got a towel.

I walked out of the workout room to see finn sitting on the couch watching tv. He turned to me and looked at me up and down and bit his lip, "The pizza should be here soon babygirl".

I nodded and shrugged, "okay, that's cool". He rolled his eyes.  I smirked, "Hard to resist daddy?" He let out a short breath.

There was a knock at the door and I was still in my sports bra and shorts. Finn looked at me as I went to go get the pizza. I opened the door and the pizza guy began staring at me.

I chuckled, "like what you see?" The pizza guy nodded as I took the pizza and slid the money in his shirt pocket. I gave him a wink as I closed the door.

I put the pizza on the table and Finn pressed me up against the wall, " You're not allowed to do that Princess" I felt myself getting wet as his breathe hit my neck.

He walked back to the table, leaving me there wanting more. I have to resist him.

I walked to the table and grabbed a slice of pizza and "accidentally" sat on Finn's lap. I heard him groan softly and I smirked.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to sit on you" I said as I smirked and he shrugged it off as if it were nothing.  I stood up and sat on the chair next to Finn and started eating.

He looked over to me and smiled. I looked at him and raised one eyebrow, "Yes Mr. Bálor?" Chuckles. He shrugs, "Nothing really just I don't deserve you".

I was taken back at his comment, "Yes you do, I don't deserve you." He blushed lightly for once. He dimmed the lights and turned on the tv and put on a movie.

He sat down on the couch next to me and wrapped his arm around me soon cuddling me.  I saw Finn yawn and giggled slightly.

He looked down at me, "hm?" I shook my head, "nothing, you're just so adorable" he chuckled, "Nah that's all you babygirl". I shook my head, "no you".

He pressed me against the couch, " no you baby" I started blushing as he kissed me neck and down to my sports bra.

I moaned slightly and he smirked against my skin. He kissed me passionately making me moan allowing his tongue to go in my mouth.

He smirked as he pulled away and I whined, "Just watch the movie babygirl" he chuckled.

"Maybe we just can't resist each other".

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