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I woke up and looked over to where Finn usually sleeps and he wasn't there. I groaned as I got up out of his bed and went to the bathroom and got ready.

I went downstairs and grabbed a granola bar and went to my car and started driving. I turned the radio on and " Ophelia by the lumineers" I turned the radio up and started singing.

I started driving to school while tapping my fingers on the steering wheel along to the beat.
I stopped at the red light and when it turned green I started to drive, I heard a loud beep from the car next to me and I turned over to see a car passing the red light.

Everything went dark.

*Later that day on the news*

•3rd person view ig•

Reporter: Earlier today at 7:03 am there was a three car accident on Monroe Road. Two people are in critical condition and one has died.

They began showing pictures of the cars and people.

* in Mr. Bálors class*

Grace jumped up from her seat and ran out the door, Seth following. Mr. Bálor called out, "Where are you going?!" Seth turned, "Valarie is in the hospital!"

The entire class started murmuring and turning to each other. There were tears in Mr. Bálors eyes but he quickly wiped them away and cleared his throat, "S-settle down everyone".

Grace and Seth ran into the hospital and went to the desk, Grace was hysterical and Seth was talking to the nurse, " i-uh we need to see Valarie Matthew" the nurse looked up her name, " she's in surgery right now, you'll be able to see her soon. Please sit in the waiting room"

Seth nodded and lead Grace to the waiting room. After a few hours Finn ran in and spotted Seth, "how is she?" He looked up, "she's in surgery, why are you here?"

Grace then looked at Seth, "They're together... they didn't tell me but I could tell" Seth stared at her then at Finn, "oh" he trailed off and Finn sat down.

Seth looked at him trying to get his mind off Valarie's condition, " how long?" Finn sighs, " a month tomorrow" Seth nods," w-wow so I was right during class she was getting some" Finn chuckled slightly, "yeah I guess"

A surgeon came into the waiting room and called out, "Any itd here for Valarie Matthews?" Finn,Grace, and Seth all stood up and the surgeon walked towards them.

He looked at Seth and Grace and Finn, "She's okay" and instant wave of relief hit them, " she had glass inside of her that we needed to remove and she got stitches, and one of her ribs broke. other than that she'll be fine".

Finn put his hands behind his head, "Thank god" the surgeon nodded, " she so g be awake for a few hours, but you can sit in the room with her if you like"

They all rushed to Valaries room and when they got there Seth and Finn's  eyes was quickly filled with tears. Looking at Valarie, bruised up and cuts all over her, and bandages around her ribs.

Grace broke down, crying hysterically. Seth tried to comfort her, "shh she's alive, she'll be happy okay" he hugged her.

Finn was still staring at Valarie, slowly walking up to her, taking caution with every step in case of screwing something up. As he got closer the cuts on her arms were more visible, not just car crash cuts but cuts that seemed to be intentional.

He stood right next to her and looked down at her while placing his hand on her arm, still in shock, he worried. Worried that she wouldn't wake up and worried that nothing would be the same.

He kissed her arm, "p-please wake up Val, you can get through this... I know you can", he lets out a shaky breath and Seth stands next to him, Grace in the chair curled up in a ball.

Seth looked at Val and sighed, "fuck... are you fucking kidding me. SHES 18 AND A BUM ASS DRIVER SLAMMED INTO HER CAR!" His face getting red, the anger was visible in his eyes.

Grace flinched at the sound of Seth's voice growing louder, she looked up slowly, "c-calm down.. please" suddenly there was a knock at the door. Seth sighed, "Come in".

Dean walked in and shut the door slowly, "I-I heard about her being here, is she okay?" he had a worried look on his face, Seth looked at him and his look softened as he nodded.

Dean hugged Seth, "Shh it's okay baby she'll be okay, she's tough just like you, she'll get through it". A soft whimper came from Seth as he dug his face into deans neck.

Dean played with his hair, "Tell me what happened", Seth pulled apart from dean and began to explain, "S-she was driving to school, she said she couldn't pick us up so we took the bus. A-a guy going 80 miles in the wrong lane passed a red light and hit her car... it's totaled... they could barely get her out." He began to tear up and as did finn as he heard the words come from Seth's mouth.

Dean walked over to Valerie, "Please wake up... Please. You'll be okay, you'll get through this. They need you, we all need you Val"

•Val's view•

My eyes began to flutter open, the hospital lights making it hard to see. As soon as I could see clearly I saw Dean,Grace,Seth and Finn. I tried to talk but there was a tube in my throat and I could hear machines starting to beep.

The next thing I know is everyone was pushed out of the way and the doctor was getting the tube out of my throat. The tube was out but felt as if it was still there, my throat dry, but I could see them. The people who care about me...


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