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It was the last class of the day and I wasn't really feeling like myself. I didn't know what to do, staring at the clock, tapping my foot to the own beat in my head. Grace and Seth trying to get my attention, finally someone dumped water on me.

I stood up and punched them in the face and I heard a few gasps, "WHAT THE FUCK!" My hair was dripping with water I looked up and saw grace holding her nose, "I-I'm so sorry grace" everyone was looking at me. I felt my breathing get faster and faster. I grabbed all my things and put them in my bag as quickly as I could. I ran out of the room and slammed the door behind me as I ran outside into the parking lot.

I leaned against my cars and slid down it and started to cry. I let out shaky breathes and heavy sobs. It got to a point where I was crying so hard nothing would come out. Nothing at all.

It seemed like I have been crying for hours but the bell went off, it was 1:55. It was time to leave school. I slowly opened my door and got in the car and shut the door and turned the car on.

The car revved up when I turned it on and I put my seatbelt and music on. Everyone started coming out from the schools and I pulled out of my parking spot and drove.

I kept driving. I didn't know where I was going or where I wanted to go, but I was driving. I was so stressed and mad and sad that i was calm. Relief came over me and I stopped at a diner and walked in.

I sat down at one of the booths and a waitress came and took my order for a chocolate milkshake. As I was waiting for the milkshake I was looking around the diner. The beaten up black and white checkered floors, the bright red booths, the white walls, a few paintings and quotes hung up on the walls.

I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to the wall where I saw pictures of customers there. Customers that seemed happy. I looked at the time, it was 4 pm. I must've been driving for hours.

The waitress had brought back my milkshake and I sat down again. I turned on my phone to see hundreds of calls and messages from Finn,grace,and Seth.

I drank my milkshake and put the money on the table along with a tip and got back in my car and began to drive back.

The traffic was terrible on the way back I felt like I was going to slap someone or crash into someone but thankfully I didn't. It took me way longer than it should've when I got home. When I saw Finns house it had 4 cars there and i sighed and looked at the time. It's was around 8:30.

I pulled into the driveway and slowly got out of my car, taking deep breathes as I locked my car and walked to the front door. I knocked softly and I heard people running to the door. The door opened quickly and I instantly felt people hugging me. The only people who actually cared, Seth,grace, and Finn.

I hugged them back and they let go off me and Finn kissed me quickly. Grace turned my to her and slapped me and hugged me, "WE WERE SO WORRIED YOU DUMBASS" Seth messed up my hair and embraced me in a hug, his arms wrapping around me entirely. I heard his heart beating fast as I put my head on his chest and smiled. They really did miss me.

That smile soon turned back into a frown when Seth let go of me. Grace grabbed my hands tightly and dragged me into the house and Finn shut the door. I looked at grace and then at her nose and then back at her, "I'm sorry for punching you..." she shook her head and flinched as she smiled, "It's okay! I deserved it and you throw a good punch" she giggled and let out a soft ow.

Finn pecked my lips and hugged me, "Are you okay Princess?" My eyes filled with tears and I nodded, "Y-Yeah I guess I am now" I felt him smile, "good"

The next few days they wouldn't let me out of their sight. I felt like a kid who has broken a glass and drew on walls way too many times. They were always worried. Followed me everywhere I went no matter what and sure yes it got irritating but I felt loved. I felt happy.

My favorite part was when Finn took me out to dinner. It was to Olive Garden, which I love to absolute death. I'm a hoe for pasta I'm like an alfredHOE. Get it? See what I did there? No? Okay, that's sad, sorry.

I smiled as I closed my diary and hid it in my room. Grace and Seth walked in my room and sat next to me. Seth put his arm on me, "What's up buttercup" I chuckled, "Nothing how about you" he rolled his eyes, "No word-play? Are you okay?" I nodded, "I'm amazing" I chuckled.

Grace sat at my desk and looked at my stuff and asked me about a few things. She found one of my old shaving razors and looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "What's this?" I chuckled, "It's uh for shaving? What else is it for?" She threw it in the garbage and made it, "WOO! KOBEEEE" Seth started dying of laughter and I did too. My best friends were finally my best friends again and actually talk to me now, and I couldn't be any happier or ask for anything else better.

I'm so sorry it's short, writers block. Don't forget to read my other book Sexting💜

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