Nanny is fussing over all of the babies. It's hard to get her to settle down and enjoy dinner with us. She keeps getting up to check on them. She never turns her watchful eye from them. 

We had just finished dinner and was preparing to have coffee and dessert when all the babies woke up, singing their song to be fed. All the ladies wanted to follow us up to see the nursery so we took everyone up with us to feed them. The guys stayed behind to have dessert in the living room. Pretty soon, I heard my husband warm up the piano keys while we are upstairs. Nanny insisted on staying in the nursery with the babies, Zander too.

My husband played and sang a slew of Christmas songs for us. Of course, the musicians we invited to the party had to play too. We enjoyed our dessert with coffee while being serenaded. The caters did a fantastic job with the food, I am pleased. The final song, 'All I Want For Christmas Is You', I agreed to sing. After I sang it to him, that concluded the party. Whispering in my ear, "Babe, I can hardly wait till we go upstairs to give you a special present." I give him my side eye. "That'll have to wait till much later." I know what he's angling for. 

I have a very special Christmas Eve present for him too. We see our guests out, I give them each a box of the Christmas cookies I ordered from the bakery. Lyron and Shonna are the last to leave after they retrieve Zander from the nursery. I give them some cookies and a couple of bags of gifts from us. They are very surprised and thanked us profusely.  That is probably the only Christmas gifts they will receive this year and we wanted it to be special for them and Zander. 

After everyone departed, we joined Bonnie and Steve in the living room with just the Christmas lights and tree lights on. The atmosphere is peaceful and so relaxing. All the gifts have been wrapped and placed under the tree. It's almost time to feed the twins. "Baby, after we feed the twins, can we open our presents? After all, it will be after midnight...Christmas Day?" 

"Sure Sweetheart. It was always a tradition in my family. Is everyone good with that?" Bonnie and Steve nod as we head up to feed the twins. Nanny is standing guard. "Ma'am and Sir, their bottles are in the warmer and ready for them. Would you like for me to take over the 4:00 am feeding for you? I'd love to give that time to both of you as my special Christmas present." 

He looks at me nodding with approval and a devilish smile on his face. I know what he wants to do all night. I accept, "Aw Nanny. Thank you. We love it if you would do that for us. But you have to come back downstairs with us after we feed the twins. We are going to see what Santa left us under the tree. Please join us." 

She looks a little hesitant, "Yes Ma'am

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She looks a little hesitant, "Yes Ma'am. As you wish." We feed the twins, change them out of their Christmas clothes and put them in their sleepers. Quickly they go back to sleep. My husband takes a couple of pictures of them sleeping before we head downstairs. "Babe, I had to document their first Christmas Eve. Look at them smiling with sugarplums dancing in their heads." "Ah, Sweetheart. That's cute but it's probably gas." 

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