"Do what again?" I heard him ask and I blinked. 

Laugh again. If you actually say that out loud officially consider yourself strange. Why would you tell him that? I wanted to hear him laugh again.

"N-Nothing." I quickly turned away from him, silently scolding myself. I tried not to stare at his expression in the mirror as I pretended to be oblivious.

"You are strange, Milenna Adams." He stated, watching me in the mirror. "But I guess I can't be the judge of that since I was the one who showed up in your room claiming to be you." I smiled a little. "I'm finished." He announced and I stood, inspecting my hair.

"Not too bad, Society boy." I applauded, grinning at him. "I mean it's not anywhere near perfect but it doesn't look terrible at all." Truth be told, the hair looked good. I didn't want to raise his ego so I didn't tell him that directly.

"Oh, please. The hair looks gorgeous." He stated and I couldn't help but smile as I shook my head. Of course I didn't have to boost his ego. He would take it upon himself to do that.

"Fine, it looks good." I admitted. He dusted his hands off then made his way over to the bed where he buried his head in the book again.

"If my sister finds out I did your hair she'll probably have me do hers for the rest of our lives." He was smiling as if reminiscing over something. I was happy to see that speaking about his sister brought a smile to his face. Truth be told, I knew nothing about Jayce. It seemed as though his job was solely to get to know me better but never the other way around. He was a mystery that I so wanted to unravel. I wanted to know more about The Society. What they did? His family. His likes and dislikes. 

I wanted to be his friend and to be honest, I felt like he would be a good friend to have.

I sat back down on the chair, grabbing my eyeliner to put it near my eye. After a few strokes that thankfully didn't poke my eyes out, I lowered the eyeliner. I contemplated for a while. 

Should I or should I not?

I probably shouldn't. If he got uncomfortable he would leave. Then again I should. It wouldn't kill him if I asked.

"What is she like?" I heard myself say. Here we went. This could either end with him getting all cold and irritated or him actually answering a personal question for once in his life.

He was silent for a while with furrowed brows. I didn't think he would ever answer my question. That's just the way he was. He would ignore me until I just forget it. "You're such a hypocrite." I whispered, stroking the eyeliner under my eyes as I stared into the mirror, barely concentrating.

"What did you just say?" He questioned and I could see him staring daggers at me from the mirror.

I slammed the eyeliner onto the table, turning to face his burning stare. "I said you're a hypocrite." I repeated, returning his glare. "You ask me questions all the time but when I ask you something even remotely personal you act all cold." I was practically shouting at him. He looked away from me as his jaws clenched together. "So what makes you think I'll trust you enough to answer your questions when you're not doing the same when the roles are reversed?" No answer. Of course not. I shook my head as I turned in my seat to face the mirror again. I brought the mascara to my eyelashes, stroking a few times. Ugh, sometimes I hate going out to parties. Too much effort was needed. It annoyed me sometimes.

"She's fifteen but thinks she's thirty." Jayce said and I froze in place, looking at him through the mirror. "She's like the little troublemaker on our base." A small smile formed on his lips and I found myself smiling along. "She once dyed my hair pink." He chuckled this time, his eyes still buried in the book. "Pink of all colours." I grinned, imagining Jayce with pink hair. That image seemed nearly impossible. "She jokes a lot and you can always count on her to cheer someone up. Everyone on base loves her."

I'm In Love With Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora