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After falling unconscious on the deserted lane stabbing ten times the gang leader,  Kong fell on the ground much contented that his friends were there to rescue him.   After getting the money from Knot, Kong immediately messaged Tew about his whereabouts.  He knew something sinister coming was going to come his way so as a safety measure he had called Tew and informed his way to reach the hospital, but he also asked Tew and Oak to come his way since he was going to take the forlorn lane.  On reaching the end of the lane, he immediately called Tew and kept his call without disconnecting.  Tew hearing the voices, shouts and chaos at the background rushed hurriedly to help Kong. On seeing the gang, he understood he and Oak were no match for them and so Oak mimicked the sound of police siren there by dispersing the gang except the leader who was severely wounded.  

Kong was brought to conscious by his friends who wore worried expression on seeing his foot bleeding.  Kong immediately rose and searched for the bag.  The bag lay a few feet away from him.  Kong took the bag from the ground and gave to his friends so that they could reach hospital on time, pay the amount so that his Grumpy's surgery could start off.  He did not wait to argue with his friends and immediately left from there without letting them know where he was going.

He knew his friends would take care of his Grumpy but he had an important duty to fulfill.  He had stabbed a man and tried to take away his life. He who had never killed a fly had then attempt to kill a man gruesomely.  He called for an ambulance and then for the police.  The police arrived on the spot, took stock of the situation, drove the injured person to the hospital in the ambulance along with Kong since his foot was injured.  Kong was treated for his foot, although the cut was quite deep, still he was out of danger.  Kong just prayed for the gang leader's survival.  Kong was put behind the bars since the gang leader was in comatose state because severe loss of blood.  

Kong sent for Tew, Aim and Oak at the police station.  The three friends arrived and on seeing their Kong in prison for attempted murder, their eyes moistened.  Kong said,

"You are my brothers, father and mother.  I do not have anyone except you all.  I am here because I have stabbed a man.  Even though, he tried to take away the only source of survival for my Grumpy, I should not have killed him.  Nobody has any right to take away any person's life, which I did.  I tried to kill someone, you hear, I tried to kill someone.   I do want a life with my Grumpy but not when my hands are full in blood.  I don't know what punishment will be awarded to me, I don't care about it.  But I do care for my Grumpy. Take care of him and never tell him where I am.  Let him move on his life, he is a prince, I am a beggar.  We cannot be together.  That it what fate is trying to tell me.  We are not meant for each other. "

"Kong, he cannot live without you".  said Aim.

"I know, but he has to.  Let him think that I left him because of his disability. Let him hate me.  Help him to avenge his parents' death and let him get back his property. Will you do this for me?"

"Of course Kong, we will", said Oak.

"Now go and never ever try to contact me, the day any one of you contact me I will kill myself.  Let him be happy without me".

The three friends left with a heavy heart.  Kong knew that was the last time he would be seeing his friends forever.  The gang leader survived and so was Kong's punishment.  Since the truth came out that the gang leader waylaid Kong and tried to attack him for reason known only to them.  Both the parties did not give the reason for the attack.  Since it was proved that Kong attacked the leader only in self defense, he was sentenced to five years imprisonment and the leader and his gang for two years.

Kong served his sentence for four and half years in prison as his sentence was reduced because of his good behaviour and helping tendency towards others.  On his release from his punishment, he wished to serve the patients  at the mental asylum voluntarily.  His wish was granted.  He worked, lived and ate  in a mental asylum thus serving the most critical patients.  And there once again, he saw his Grumpy.


I have decided to end this story on a happy note.  Hope you all agree with me.

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