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Arthit was suddenly blinded by the brightness that pierced through the door in that darkened dungeon.  He saw a figure standing  at the door thereby blocking the light partly since the place where his body did not block the entrance, the light oozed out of it.  The shadow was cast on the ground as he slowly, very slowly moved towards him.  Arthit could not keep his eyes open for long since he could not think of anything other than his beggar.  It was as if God had answered his wishes, there was the beggar, his beggar, his life, his medicine to soothe his pain.  He stretched his left arm away from his body, sprawled his legs and tried to sit on his buttocks.  

The sight was really endearing to see.  A child was opening its tender arms to be engulfed in his mother's arms.  A friend was seeking help to protect him from the danger.  A lover waiting for his beloved to drown him in his arms for love, protection,caring and also to ease the pain, the loneliness and the fear of being dead alone in that cruel world without his lover.

" My beggar, where were u ?   Why did you leave me?  You promised you will protect me, you will be my shield, my armour.  Where did you disappear?  Please take me in your arms, I am in pain, excruciating pain, nothing can seize it, not even steroids or pain killers, but YOU AND YOU alone can end my suffering, my agony, my affliction, since you are my balm, you are my beggar.  I beg you to take me in your arms, embrace me, hug me tight where I cannot breathe.  Don't leave any gap which can separate me from you."

" I am done my beggar.  I have lost my right arm.  My bones have broken to pieces, I cannot use my right arm.  I should have listened to you.  You told me my life was  in danger.  But I did not pay any heed to you.  I am done my beggar."

"I have lost everything within this week.  But I have found you.  Don't leave me.  I am crippled for life now.  I too will join you begging our living.  I will be with you forever.  I will be beggar just like you.  This way, we too can be together.  Come, beggar, come, hug me, I am your grumpy, waiting for your lips to touch mine since I love you, only you.  I do not care for money or property, I want or rather need you, if you think I am selfish since I am an invalid, then let it be so.  I want you and only you".

Arthit's soliloquy was turned on the deaf ears and the moment he uttered or rather declared his love for the beggar, the figure turned back and the door was closed after him and thereby plunging Arthit once again into darkness .

Knot's face did not show any emotions, be it anger, jealousy, hatred or disgust for the injured man who was his rival then.


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