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Kong was roaming the streets of the city looking for any of the spiritual places for him to start his business.  He did not believe in God or in any belief.  He had his own faith of survival.  To eat, drink and sleep.  Though he had never allowed himself to be taken over by  any of the thugs or mafias to force him to do any kind of dirty business.  He never smoked, drunk, used drugs or got boner with strange girls.  He was a lonesome.  He lived in his own world.  He somehow managed himself and his life quite well.  He never ever regretted begging or unhappy or cursed his life.  He was happy that he had the guts to live  daring all odds.

His friends Aim and Tew were on their pick pocketing hunt.  They almost pick pocketed every day without being caught  and shared their loot among them.  Kong was no saint,  he did not steal but he partook in sharing  the booties of the loot.  The three friends enjoyed their lives, however dirty, filthy or hard it was.  Since they were together and because of their unity nobody was able to break them apart or messed with them.

Slowly, their business was thinning at the faster pace because of the government policies of rehabilitation of the street urchins.  The Kong and the party had tough time since they were adults and could afford their own living.  Begging laws were becoming stricter but still some religious fanatics believed in charity.  So as long as they were dwelling on that  earth, Kong and his party did not have any problems.

Life was going smoothly without any hassles.  On one particular day, as he was roaming the streets for some kind of alms from the rich people.  He spotted a car at the corner of the street near the temple , which to his calculation was BMW Car and stepped out a young man whose antics pronounced him  a super rich spoilt brat .  With his looks and demeanour, he might be close to 21-22 years of age.  Kong, though was poor, uneducated, but literate enough to read the language of his land , ill-mannered, but he really had good knowledge of cars  which he collected from his contacts ( thugs, rowdies and mafias).

Kong was irked by this brat because he was throwing an arrogant and haughty look around the people surrounded by  him.  At first sight, Kong developed a dislike towards him.  But he was handsome and well-built.  What caught his curiosity was that he was accompanied by an old couple although they too had an aura of being wealthy and this man was dragged by them to forcibly visit the temple.  Dragged by the parents, Kong felt a bit of comical to see the man being dominated by his parents.  Having vested so much time in the man, he proceeded to find some alms to satisfy his growling hunger.  

Little did he know that the so called man named Arthit was going to change his life.  Now God alone knows in a positive or negative way.


I have no idea about begging laws in Thailand.  Just I am following my think-tank.  Comments are welcomed by me. Should I make it a love story or just a friendship story.

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