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The driver drove the taxi as fast as he could much to the annoyance of Tew and Aim screaming into his ears.  While Kong fussed over the fainted grumpy young man in the taxi much to the frustration of his friends. 

By the time, the shots were heard and the third victim escaped in a taxi saved by the beggar and his friends, the bikers could not go any further as they were  stopped by the mob and beaten up before they were handed over to the police who came after half an hour.  The couple were handed over to the paramedics who arrived immediately after the police.  Then everything  became quiet for the night, but the violence that occurred in front of the people of that area created a kind of fear in the minds of the people who witnessed it.


The grumpy young man was laid on the ground and became an object of examination by the three beggars and their driver friend Oak.  His damage assessed and conclusion reached was that he had an concussion and a fractured right arm.  They also calculated the financial cost to be around 1000 bahts.  

"Kong, what did you get into, who is he, where does he lives, and why is attacked and who are those old couple," shots questions like an arrow by his friends.

"Oh,,please, help him, he needs to be immediately hospitalized, me, guys, you are my friends, but wait how did you know that I  was there and how did you reach there on time to help me and this grumpy,"  asked Kong as if in a shock.

"We knew you were upto something for past two months, and recently you were out of your mind and even skipped your meals and in spite of asking you did not reply, so we tried to follow you with Oak as our driver and luckily, we reached there to save you and this solid and big catch", said Tew eyeing evilly at the grumpy.

"Don't you dare cast your evil eye on him", roared Kong

The friends were quiet shocked by Kong's behaviour.  Luckily, they were in the middle of the deserted bushes, where no one dared to come.  The friends were at a loss in understanding Kong in the situation he was in.  They did not know how to take the grumpy to the hospital because there was the danger of the attacker if he knew where he was, second seeing them there with the rich kid would mean suspicion, interrogation and finally prison.  It was because they were thieves in guise of beggars.  Once caught by the police, they would be sent to the torture house called 'Rehabilitation Centre'.   They would rather die than live there in that obnoxious hell.  Sensing all those logical thoughts, they finally calmed Kong and said that they would help him and his grumpy since they were friends and would not abandon them.  Oak said that he knew a doctor who would help them but he priced a lot. 

The question of money was raised by Oak.  The money problem was solved as the friends drove to the cemetery as per Kong's direction.  The friends became quiet tensed on reaching the familiar spot and also  when Kong dug a small part of the earth underneath a particular tree.  He kept on digging and digging, but nothing came out.  Quite nervy, losing patience, he started  digging  the ground underneath the trees, he even yelled at his friends to help him out find the money.  But his friends stood there as if electrified and Kong was confused as to why they stood there like a mannequins.  He  slowly got up,slowly the thought flashed in his mind that his own friends robbed him of his money, not his, that grumpy's money which he saved for grumpy's well being just by his intuition.

"You thieves, you cheaters, you even stole my money, you bastards, you son of ...................., I hate you, get out of my sight, I do not want friends like you, get out of my sight, before I beat you all up", cried with tears of betrayal by his own friends in his eyes,".......................

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