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The beggar stood in confusion and in fear when his grumpy walked out of the shack with no words to spare for  him.  He let him go since he knew he would come back once his confusion and frustration of what happened to him would be clear.  But still he was not taking any chances so he went out in search of his friends who were not so far from the lane.  But before he could look for them, he was in dilemma as to how could the grumpy could vanish so fast out of his sight within a minute.  He scanned the whole lane but he was no where to be seen.   Fearing worst, he ran and reached the end of the lane only to see the grumpy sitting on the ground and crying bitterly.  He cried non-stop and his tears were falling without any break.  

The beggar could not stand the sight and he bent down to console him to go back to the shack when without any notice from the grumpy, he was hugged by him so tightly that he could hardly breathe and fell over him.  He was so conscious of his smell that he tried to avoid the hug  but to no avail since the grumpy hugged him so tightly  that he could not get up instead he forced to sit down by his side on the ground turned facing towards him and the grumpy resting his head on his neck and listening to his heart beat and continued crying  to his heart's content.

The putrid smell from Kong wafted through him, but he was confused since grumpy was not able to smell the stench generated by his own body, instead of throwing him off, he clenched his shirt tightly and cried wetting his T shirt.  The beggar was so overwhelmed by the sudden touch that he stopped resisting him and took him in his arms and tapped his shoulders to calm him down. 

 It was night time, the moon was shining brightest and was casting his light on those  silent odd couple, the beggar took the grumpy on his lap and the grumpy buried his face near the beggar's heart.  He was in shock but  then the fishy smell emitting from the beggar was like an ambrosia, the smell made him realize that the beggar was there right then for him.  Slowly, both men drifted to sleep, the mild breeze blew across them,  the  tired bodies were slowly engulfed in  deep slumber .  The sleep which was pure, refreshing, mild, no dreams to scare or make them happy, but a trance filled with promise of togetherness, love, support and above all trust.  

 The heart beats of the beggar was like a lullaby which drifted the grumpy to sleep.  Unknowingly, both the souls had fallen for each other, one had already realized but would not accept it or do anything to claim it and the other was still to realize that he had fallen for the ugly, smelly, skinny beggar who  would be his anchor to sail through the toughest  time of his life.  Arthit had earned the heart of a beggar for his life and Kong had earned a purpose for his aimless life.  Time would only say whether their love would bond them or separate them.

Never had the North Pole and the South Pole had met and become one, yet the longitudes which run across them had bonded  them together at 90 degrees.

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