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Arthit was dragged by his parents to the temple.  He did not bother much about the existence of God or faith in God.  He complied by their wishes.   Just stepped inside the spiritual abode which brought happiness, faith and relaxation to his parents.  He loved his parents very much.   To him, they were his creators who bestowed on him all luxuries of life.  

After the prayers, they came out of the temple.  It was the most famous temple of the city.  So, the entrance of the temple was  strewn with shops, hotels , museums and of course beggars.  Nobody minded them being there.  In fact giving alms to them, meant an assured seat to heaven.  They were seated in rows, dressed in rags and face as dirty as a hog.  Their eyes were tired and woven out.   Arthit was passing by them as if he was playing with the railing while climbing or getting down the stairs.  On reaching the banister, he looked up to see a man or rather a boy stretching  his hand in front of him.

He was in ragged, faded shorts with equally faded T shirt, hair, seemed never combed and his hands filthy to the core.  But what caught Arthit's interest was his smile.  The smile was not over pronouncing or a melting one, but rather a lasting one which spoke of hope, protection, friendship and above all peacefulness.

He did not return his smile, in fact Arthit just threw the notes in the air suggesting as if he was not worthy of his touch and walked off.  Kong ran after him and threw the notes on his face saying,

" I am a beggar, but that does not leave me with  less  dignity.  Keep it, someday, you will need them".

Arthit could only frown because before he could react, the beggar had left him dumbfounded.

Little did Arthit know that he would be saved by the so called beggar when his own blood members would betray him.


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