Chapter 4. - Explanations

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Danielle's P.O.V.

I woke up to something brushing some bangs out of my face. Slowly, I opened my eyes, blinking a few times; Brett was standing in front of me shirtless. I remembered what had happened, and fast enough, I stood up and hugged him. "Hey, you okay?"Brett asked, still stroking my hair. "I should be the one asking that. I'm not the one who was stabbed with wolfsbane and strangled close to death." I growled at the thought of last night's events.

"Yeah, but you were also stabbed, but with a knife, and you earned a punch in your wolf form," Brett added, looking at me with concerned eyes. "It doesn't matter; I was protecting you. No pain is compared to the feeling I had yesterday because of you." I said, placing my hand on his left cheek and rubbing it softly with a gentle touch.

"Sorry, I should have known; I should have been able to smell the wolfsbane from across the field. By the way, the whole "gang" knows about you and me. McCall's pack can protect you from now on." he stated.

"Are you sure they know everything, even my eye colour?" I asked with a bit of fear. When anyone sees me with red eyes, they get frightened and walk away.

"Even that," Someone said from behind us. We turned around to find Deaton with some papers in his hands. "How are you both doing?" he asked. "Fine," we both said in unison. That made him chuckle. For some other reason, we always have the intuition to do what the other does or wants to say.

"May I ask you some questions?" Deaton asked. 

"Sure," I said, and Brett nodded in agreement.

"Have you ever had possessive feelings? For example, when Danielle gets ripped away from him, does he turn angry? But in a rare way? Or if someone from the other gender gets closer to any of you, does the other have this need to rip that girl or boy's head?" Yeah, we have had some. The first example is before the lacrosse game with Cameron. This is one from a big list to mention.

"Yeah, why are you asking?" Brett asked. I think he is as confused as I am. How does Deaton know about all this? He may be an emissary—yes, I know what he is—but this knowledge about other people's lives is like an F.B.I. agent who had studied me all my life, and we merely met.

"Do you know why you felt his pain at the game? Or why you didn't wake up until he was strong enough to?" I shook my head, and Brett did as well. "I didn't know that I woke up for that reason," I said with shock.

"It all comes from the same reason. I'm sure his eyes darken when you are with another male because you want to or because you are in danger. Just like yours did when you saw him on the floor. Don't you both have this feeling of being with each other every second? When you are both separated, the minute you get back together, your wolves get crazy? And my last question, has Brett ever bit you?" Deaton said. Okay, okay, he knows a bit too much. When I was about to speak, Brett answered first.

"Like bit her with fangs? No, although for some reason, we have had some episodes." He said, and I am a hundred per cent sure that he remembered one of them.


We were at Monique's birthday party. I was with Brett, dancing like there was no tomorrow. I could feel his breath on my neck, and he hugged me from behind while tracing my jawline with kisses. When I turned around, he held my waist before stamping his lips on mine. I responded of course. When we broke the kiss, my eyes were focused on his, and I noticed that his usual light-coloured eyes were replaced with pitch-black ones.

"Brett, are you okay?"

"Yeah, why are you asking?" he seductively said as he pinned me to the wall.

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