Chapter 8. - The Vault

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Danielle's POV

We were going down a large pair of stairs; next, everyone went to look for something that looked like an entrance to the vault, spreading in different directions. If you asked me how a door of that kind looked, if you could even call it a door, I'd have no idea how to describe it. You can already see that I have the least idea of that subject.

Regarding me, my headache has subsided a little, but instead, the pain started to build up inside of me like it's waiting for the perfect moment, which I think won't be the best for me, to come out.

Loneliness was consuming me, and the emptiness inside my mind was unbearable. My eyes were still glowing a rare shade of red, one I'd never seen in my wolf's eyes before. If someone glanced my way, I had to keep my head low throughout the building.

"Hey, guys! Over here." Stiles said, gesturing to the bookshelf filled with books and jars stuffed with unknown substances. Scott went to help him move the shelf with his supernatural strength. Did it reveal an inscription? I don't know what that is. Recently, I haven't learned many things; I feel oblivious. It's not that I don't like knowing things, but there's some point where I'm afraid of knowing. Is being afraid of knowledge even a thing? I don't know. Maybe some things must be kept secret.

"Look at the cracks in the wall." Stiles touched the borders of the cracks across the wall carefully.

"It's like the entrance's outside. It only opens with claws," Scott stated. "Anyone's claws, right?" I stepped forward, offering mine to open the door, but Kira shot her arm forward, catching my forearm and making me take a few steps back. She shook her head, and I stayed still. Scott, Stiles and Kira shared a knowing look, and I couldn't be more oblivious. What are they hiding?

"Um, Malia, can you try?" Scott stuttered.

"Why me?" Malia asked with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I don't have control," Scott pointed out, showing his hand. Malia turned to look at me, but before I could say a word, Scott beat me to it. "We cannot risk anything..." she interrupted him. "Okay. I'll do it."

What can't they risk? I feel like an outsider.

"But first, tell me what you've been hiding from me." She paused, and the room suddenly felt like a ghost town regarding sound.

"I know you think you're trying to protect me, but I can handle it." This awkward silence embraced us; the other three seemed to know something. When Scott opened her mouth to speak up, Malia decided to do it for him.

"I know I'm on the list." She quietly said.

"Yes", Stiles blurted out, yet he expected another answer. "So how much?" She asked, "How much what?"

"How much am I worth?" Malia questioned.

"Four million," Stiles stated. Malia became quiet, and the rest of the group waited for a response. And I still didn't understand a thing.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked, looking concerned.

"Yeah. Scott's worth twenty-five; Danielle, twenty-two; Kira, six. They'll take you guys out way before me." Malia looked chilled out, and Stiles and Scott were whispering slowly.

On the other hand, I wasn't calm, this pain, and I couldn't believe my ears. I knew this assassin thing was dangerous, but I didn't expect it to be this high. "Wait, Woah, Woah. Did I hear right? I think I'm deaf. How come I am worth twenty-two million?!" I almost screamed but instantly regretted it as my head started to pounce. It felt like my head was some ball, and someone repeatedly bounced it against a cold floor.

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