23 | Good + Bad News

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"I don't know who I can trust these days. I don't know if I can trust my ways." - Night Moves, Strands Align


Sylvie didn't turn out too bad at the end of the day. The nurses got her to calm down since she had gone into distress over her hip. She thanked Avery and I for being there, but I couldn't help but point out that we told her not to get up.

But, you didn't even have to know Sylvie to know she was stubborn.

Avery and I walked out of the center. The brown-eyed girl placed a white knit hat on her head while I let my brown curls move in the wind.

"You cold?" She asked.

I smugly brushed off the question. "Nah."

"Oh okay. Well, I guess I'll be seeing you around," she said, walking to her car. Was I supposed to say yes?

"Wait!" I called out. She turned around and started to walk back.

"How did you like the date yesterday?"

"It was nice."

"Anything else?"

"I don't know," she shyly looked at the concrete. "But I'd like to go out with you again."

Step 1, done. Step 2, to be determined.

"Really?" I asked dumbly. My mind ran rampant as I regretted what I had just said. My 'really?' could've been interpreted as disbelief. Not the good kind, but the kind that makes one really question if the interrogator really wants go through with this.

"Yes, I'd like to go on another date. Maybe this time I'll pay," she reassured.

"Sounds like a plan. If you're paying, I'll make sure to order lobster."

She chuckled. "I'd want you to not put a hole in my pocket. I didn't do it to you."

"Well, we'll see whenever you decide to have that date."

"Friday?" She asked. "I've got a dance competition that day, but I can get you a ticket for it. And then afterwards, we can go somewhere to eat."

"Sounds good. How much does the ticket cost?"

"Ten dollars," she answered.

I slid my hand into my jacket and pulled out my wallet. I opened it, fingered all of the three bills in there and pulled a ten. I handed it over.

"I was capable of paying for it myself," she stated. "But, thanks. I'll get you your ticket by Wednesday. But, you might get my mom's ticket if she doesn't come."

"Well, hopefully she comes."

"Yeah, hopefully."


That Monday, the second semester was supposed to start. The last semester I'd have to persevere through as a high school student. The change of the semester meant the change of an elective.

My elective was first on that day. It had been switched to Forensics. I picked the class because I had room in my schedule. I already had a study hall and most of my requirements out of the way so, I thought why not? Plus the activities looked more interesting than deciphering through various college websites and emails.

I grabbed a seat at a table. As the warning bell rang, students began to file in, taking up almost every single available chair. The last student waltzed in just before the late bell. Of course it was Brielle.

She took the seat next to me, which wasn't the only empty seat in the room.

"Eww, you," I remarked.

"I'm not too thrilled to be sitting next to the guy that's boning my bestie."

"I'm not boning Avery," I retorted.

Or at least not yet.

"What would you know about me and her anyway?" I asked. "You're not even at the old folks home like you used to anymore."

"Yeah, because I got my hours done. I'm sure yours are done."

"They probably are, but that doesn't matter much to me anymore. Old people are more than just opportunities for service hours. They're people who've been through all of the ups and downs of life and still found a way to live through all of it to tell the story."

"Wow, very insightful, Master Shifu."

I chuckled. "Isn't that the rat thing from Kung Fu Panda?"

"Yeah, but that shouldn't even be a question, you uncultured swine."

I looked up at the clock that hung above the whiteboard. Couldn't the teacher start the damn class already so I wouldn't have to be insulted by el diablo?

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