18 | I Did What?

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"Waking up without you and a hangover." - Grand Lotus, Hangover


I woke up the next day with a splitting headache and little memory of what I did the night before. If this was how 2019 was starting, I'd hate to see how it would end.

My hands were clammy but gripped onto the Tylenol bottle on my nightstand. It was waiting there for me. My grandma probably set it there somehow having knowledge of my ailment.

I sat at the edge of my bed to take the medicine with a glass of water. I heard footsteps toward my bedroom and knew it was my grandma. Not only because she was the only other person in the house, but also because of the way she walked. Her footsteps were always rushed, but light so she could catch me before I had time to hide whatever I was doing.

But, the creaky floor gave way to her whereabouts before I even saw her figure in the hallway.

"I see you've sobered up," she said.

My eyebrows furrowed and my eyes squinted. "Sobered up? I don't drink."

"Tell that to last night. I got woken up at 1 am with Katelyn and some other girl carrying you while you were passed out."

When she mentioned Katelyn, some familiarity came to me. I remembered going over to her house for a party, but I didn't know what I did there. I also didn't know who that other girl was either.

"Who was the other girl?" I questioned. My headache seemed to worsen.

"Avery, that girl from the dance competition."

She had to be lying. Avery wouldn't even be at Katelyn's party. Avery despised Katelyn.

"You must be mistaken, ma. Have you been taking your meds?"

"Don't talk to me about my memory. I know what I'm talking about. Brown-skinned, kinda short with braids or something like that," she described with disinterest. She couldn't care less about the girls that were carrying me. The priority was me.

My foggy brain cleared up and I zoned out. Suddenly, my brain became scrambled again and I found myself with a heavy heartbeat. A lump formed in my throat and I felt a sickness in my stomach.

I had a strange hunch that my nausea was not a feeling exclusive to that day.

The taste in my mouth was disgusting and vile. I guess I really did get carried away on New Year's.

"Oh, God no," I mumbled. My face found comfort in my hands. If I could've disappeared, I would've.

"Please don't throw up on me, you already threw up on that Avery girl."

"I did what?" I asked, yelling the words. What happened last night was so out-of-character.

"You can be confused, but don't let that forget who you're talking to, mister."

I apologized and began to pace around the room. There was no way I threw up on Avery. I knew that drunk me was still drunk, but I'd think drunk me would ensure that Avery wouldn't be in the line of fire.

"I know it sucks that you did that on Avery, but I'm sure she will forgive you," she consoled. She rubbed my back to give me comfort. All it did was aggravate me.

"No, she won't. I wouldn't even forgive her."

"I forgot you were so unforgiving and callous. Avery, however, is not."

My voice went back to adolescence with its cracks. "How are you so sure?"

"She carried you in here, Adrian. You threw up on her and she still decided to ignore that and make sure you got home safely."

"I guess you're right."

"I know I'm right. Tomorrow your grounding will begin but just focus on getting better today."


She left the room and I checked my phone to make sure I didn't drunk text anyone. By anyone, I meant Avery. I realized that I made a grave mistake by tapping on that green icon. It unleashed a conversation from what could best be described as my version of hell.

Avery: Did u make it home okay?

Me: i wishf i rasnt

Avery: well it's good that ur home

Me: can ive in ur hume

Avery: did you say can i be in your home

Me: duh

Avery: go drink some water and come back or go to sleep

Me: yk what

Avery: what?

Me: i can gt u wet lik waterrrrrrr

Then, I got left on read.

No, no, no, no this couldn't be happening to me. This was what happened in teen tv shows, which were always fabricated and exaggerated. If my life was truly transforming in Degrassi, then Avery wasn't going to let this one go. Characters hold grudges longer than the line for the bathroom in a bar.

I ran a hand through my loose curls to try and compose myself to text. With my thoughts and doubts running rampant, I drafted a classic paragraph.

Me: First of all, I'm sorry for vomiting on your shirt last night. I could buy a new one if you want me to. Second, thanks for taking me home even after I threw up on your shirt. Third and most importantly, I apologize for being inappropriate with that water comment. That's not me and you know that. I'm just hoping that we can kinda forget that last night happened.

My thumb ran along my bottom lip in anticipation and anxiety. Only for me to be left on read again. Great.

The nausea from before returned and with vengeance.


I'm surprised I actually got this out on schedule. Anyway, vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter!! I may be off-schedule next week because I have a lot of work that is due.

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