Sex with the avengers

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Keyword: His speed. Oh god, that speed. He would take time to have sex with you, but he would use his speed while teasing you. First he’s kissing you against the wall and before you even realize, you are laying naked underneath him, his mouth devouring your dripping wet core, causing you to scream his name from the sudden contact.

Pietro would love to be on top; pressing you against the mattress, kissing your lips or sucking your neck demandingly. This position gives him everything he wants: chance to see your expressions, possibility to touch you and the oh so good chance to use his speed on you, fucking you hard while you tangle your fingers around his hair or dig your nails into his back, leaving marks that the man loves to see in the morning after your heated night together. 


Such. A. Tease. If you can’t stand the heat, you should step out of the kitchen. Clint loves to tease you, no matter if you are in public in front of everyone or laying naked on your bed behind locked doors. He would simply drive you insane with his sweetly torturing touches and whispers, that force you to beg for him to fuck you or to even touch you just a little bit more. Not like your begs would work – no way, they would only give him even more courage to keep teasing you, driving you insane from your lust.

But when he finally stops and gets to it, the sex is worth all the teasing and way more. Clint indeed knows how to pleasure you and in the end, commanding your wishes and satisfying you is all he cares about.


This man indeed knows how to make love; how to have sex colored with deep, pure and sincere love. Sam would be really gentle, always making sure that you know how beautiful you are and how much he loves you, while his fingers would run on your skin, causing shivers to run through your body and your heart to flutter on your chest. Just – making love.


Poor Bruce. Because of his deep trust issues towards himself, he would be insanely afraid of hurting you. Bruce would always want you to be on lead, telling him where and how to touch you and encouraging him to go on when he feels unsure about himself. Gentle, loving, careful. It would always be you on top, so you can set the pace.

After he has understood that you are not afraid of him, though – I feel like Banner is one hell of a dirty player. Even in a restaurant, under the table, his hands would make their way to your most delicate parts, your desperate tries to keep your moans to yourself causing the scientist to chuckle with eyes dark from pure lust. Bruce loves to tease you and let me tell you, if someone asked for his favorite desert, your name would escape his lips before he’d even realize what happened.


As a funny man he is, Scott can’t stay serious even while having sex. Most of the times you would burst into laugh because of his adorably weak puns, causing him to laugh as well. No matter how close you are to your orgasms, he’s always saying something funny to ruin the moment.

Even though Scott would always have hard time keeping his hands to himself while you are around, sex with him would always happen only behind locked doors – never ever in public nor if you have even the smallest chance to get caught. Lots and lots of gentle touches and passionate kisses, both of you gaining the same amount of satisfaction.


I feel like Tony would love you to be the boss in bedroom. Since he’s pretty much always the leader around others, with you, he would love to be the one to follow the commands. He loves roleplaying, and finding new ways to pleasure you is one of his main-goals in life.

Lots of dirty talk and flirting, smirks and lust filled glances while the fingers of both of you are touching all the skin of your bodies you can possibly reach. 

Pressing slobby kisses on your skin on his way down on you, and seeing you squirm and moan underneath him as his lips and tongue finally gets to your delicate clit – it’s something that drives Stark insane from pure lust and love towards you.


As well as Bruce, Wanda is still scared of her powers and afraid that she’ll hurt you because of them, so she would always be very gentle with you. Lots of kisses, soft touches and whispers. Wanda would always want to put your satisfaction on top of hers and love, love, loves to go down on you, making you squirm under the satisfying torture of her tongue, her eyes locked with yours and your fingers tangled to her long hair. 

After getting more comfortable with her powers, she wouldn’t be afraid to show you, what she’s capable of doing without even touching you. 


Romanoff is taking this onto a way another level. She would always be the dominative, giving you pleasure so overwhelming, you feel like you wouldn’t be truly functioning even days after having heated time with the redhead. 

Always willing to try new ways to pleasure you, your life in bedroom would never be boring. Each time there’s something new, something unexpected and something only Nat would be capable of doing. Just way more than great sex.


Sex with Bucky Buchanan Barnes is a mind blowing experience. And it truly is an experience; each time is unique and unlike any other of your previous times. Sex with Bucky would be very passionate and a way for him to show his feelings for you; whether he’s feeling anxious, sad or happy, it leads into heated make-out session no matter where you are. Bucky would literallyfuck you at any time at any place: against a wall, in a car, even in place you could perfectly get caught.

Giving you pleasure is always his priority. Because of his anxiousness of all the Winter Soldier stuff he went through, he’s still scared to hurt you. That’s why he would be making sure that you feel loved and safe with him; asking you to tell him if he’s hurting you.

Just mind-blowingly great sex.


I feel like –even if Steve still seems to be pretty unsure about himself, in the bedroom he would be totally another man. Getting more and more confident after each time you have been fondue-ing, he knows how to pleasure you right in the ways you love it the most. Whether it’s going teasingly down on you, fucking you hard until you forget your name or making love to you, he knows how you like it and makes sure he’s fulfilling all your wishes.

It’s important to Steve that both of you are feeling satisfied. As well as with Bucky, Steve’s emotions have clear effect to the sex you are having –if he’s feeling good and calm, you are truly making love but oh god, if he’s feeling jealous, or angry for you or someone else, he knows how to be rough as well. Almost ripped clothes thrown all around the room, his lips are devouring your skin as your hands are locked above your head, before he thrusts into you, causing you to repeat his name like it’s the only word you know.

Rogers’ favorite position would be you on top, riding him –because it allows him to see every expression on your face as he kisses you hungrily or gently, depending on his mood, while his fingers runs on your skin, fondling or leaving marks that would be visible for days.

And Captain, oh Captain –in case you are getting to have sex with Steve-o, remember that word. It drives him insane –in all the best ways.

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