New wardrobe//Steve

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Warnings: Smut, Oral Female receiving, Domish Steve, NSFW Images18+, REALLY NSFW, I’m saying it a bunch of times becaue I’ve been getting a lot of messages saying I don’t say anything when it’s literally in the warning!

Maybe the fact that you had been running late wasn’t a horrible tragedy at all. All your usual work clothes hadn’t been washed in weeks due to you being too busy to attend to them so that left you with some birthday clothes Wanda had bought you months ago. You never got around to wearing them simply because they weren’t your type of attire but today that didn’t matter.

The team was waiting on you downstairs. Today you were all to go to a press conference and answer questions, things like that and you had completely forgotten and slept in. So with so little time you slipped on the most appropriate outfit; a black skirt, black pantyhose, a cream white buttoned up blouse with short flat grey boots.

“You look wonderful Y/N,” Friday says and you smile to yourself while adding perfume. “But I’m afraid the team requests that you come downstairs immediately. They are already late to the press conference.”

“Oh alright.” Quickly you hurry downstairs where for sure the team is all there at the entrance waiting for you.

“Finally, damn girl what took you so long?” Sam asks, clearly annoyed. 

When Sam speaks to you, Steve turns around and when his eyes land on you he’s not sure what to think. It’s the first time he’s seen you in something other than your suit or just regular pants. You had told him many of times you weren’t the dressing up type anyway.

It’s taking everything in him to be the gentlemen he is and not take you back upstairs and fuck the living shit out of you though he is really considering it. Your legs look so sexy in pantyhose making him want to bury his head between them and the way your curves perfectly are accentuated through the skirt turn the man on in ways you never would’ve thought of.

“Sorry, I overslept. Steve why didn’t you wake me?” You ask, walking over to him. 

He blinks still in a daze from seeing you dressed the way you were. “Oh, I just,” He coughs, trying to regain his composure. “I was just going for a run with Bucky and we got caught up. My bad.”

“No time for guilty apologies, we’re gonna be late so let’s just go.” Tony says and heads out the door, the rest of the team following, talking among themselves.

Steve takes your hand in his, pulling your body against his as you walk out the doors. Camera’s clicking while microphones are shoved in your faces along with lots of questions. It’s an every day thing and it got on your nerves, but with Steve on your side, everything was okay.

During the press conference, Steve is asked a question, so he goes up answering it. The team and you sit behind a stand with a microphone on it all set on a stage. The audience is filled with reporters hungry for answers.

“Steve was totally turned on when you came downstairs.” Wanda whispered in your ear. 

You look over at her, eyebrows furrowed. “I beg your pardon.”

“Oh come on, don’t tell me you didn’t notice. He was basically eye fucking you.” 

“He was?” You had been completely oblivious to his lust filled look. 

“Yes, I mean besides that I can read his mind. I know he wants to get it on.” You chuckled at her comment causing a few looks from the audience but they quickly turned their attention back to Captain America, probably not wanting to miss a word.

“Well we’ll see about that when we get back to the tower won’t we?” 

“Actually, Tony plans on heading to the club after this, something about wanting to relieve the stress.” 

Avenger characters/actors smut and fluffWhere stories live. Discover now