Teach me how to love again//Steve Rogers

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Morning. One day before Steve’s mission to Germany. Why did it hurt that much? Why couldn’t you face him properly? It wasn’t as if he left on purpose but you couldn’t stop sulking.

“Are you all right, y/n?” Wanda knocked on your bedroom door.

It was almost noon, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move from your bed. It was comfy and that was all you needed at that point. You moved further inside your blanket, covering your head.

“I’m fine.” You shouted so she could hear you.

Wanda opened the door and walked to you, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Did you really think you could fool a psychic?”

You groaned under your blanket and reluctantly showed your face.

“I’m just not in the mood..”

“Tell me what happened.”

“For fuck’s sake Wanda! You can read minds why are you asking?!”

The girl laughed at you and caressed your hair. “I want you to tell me yourself. Besides, I’m not really into reading my friends’ minds.”

You sighed and sat up straight, fixing your gaze on your hands and playing with your fingers.

“Steve is leaving for Germany tomorrow and I don’t know why, but it’s made me really sad.”

“Do you think that staying all day in your bed will help? You should have been awake ages ago and spend as much time as you can with him! Get up, get dressed and let’s find him.”

You groaned once more but obeyed your friend, wearing your favourite pair of shorts and a tight t-shirt. After washing up, you walked with Wanda downstairs and found Thor sprawled on the couch and watching a soap opera.

“Hi, Thor!” Wanda and you said together.

“Hello, dames! Fancy watching this interesting show with me?”

“No, thank you.” Wanda said while you laughed. “We’ll go and make some breakfast for y/n. She just woke up.”

“I’ll let you go, then. And good morning, y/n!”

“Good morning, Thor!” you teased and made your way to the kitchen.

Before you could open the door, you heard someone yelling.

“They’re at it again.” Wanda sighed when she opened the door and saw Sam covered in milk and cereal, a broken bowl and a fuming Bucky.

“I’m done with you two fighting all the time!”

Wait, was Cap raising his voice? That was a first for you.

“We’re leaving tomorrow and you still haven’t gotten over your rivalry! I’m done!”

And Steve walked past you and Wanda without sparing a glance and with you instinctively running behind him.

“Steve, wait!”

What were you supposed to tell him, you idiot?

Upon hearing your voice, Steve turned faster than you anticipated making you bump -face first- on his chest.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized, his hands grabbing your shoulders and putting you in place. “Did you need something?”

“Y-Yeah, I.. Don’t let them get to you. One day they’ll become friends.”

He sighed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “I know.. But can’t that day come a little faster? They’re my closest friends and they can’t stand each other. And this makes me really uncomfortable and irritated if I may add.” He sighed again.

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