Kiss For The Saviour//Steve Rogers

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“Natasha?” You called the redhead’s name through your earbud, wiping sweat off of your glistening forehead after stunning another Hydra-agent with electric shock. “The lab is clear, where are you?”

You were on a mission at one of the HYDRA-bases under an isolated lake in the woods of Finland. Notwithstanding the fact that there were at least ten times more Hydra’s men than you, the Avengers were doing even better than you would expect.

“South,” she called out over loud noise of fighting, sounding breathless. “We are underdogs, how fast can you get here?”

“Coming,” Pietro’s accent colored voice chuckled in the line, making you raise your eyebrows with amused smile on your lips. 

“Slower than him,” you let out a soft laugh shaking your head, before turning on your heels to sprint for run – just to be stopped by hands pulling you aside, your mouth covered.

“Shh Y/N, it’s Steve,” you heard a familiar voice whispering to your ear and calmed down immediately, taking your hands down from around the attackers neck. “Stay quiet,” he nodded, before moving his hand away from your mouth.

“Oh my god, do you even realize what you –,” you breathed out, turning around to stare at him with wide eyes. “I – I almost electrocuted you, Steve.”

“Sorry,” he grinned, before laying his finger to his lips to give you a mark to keep quiet. “More Hydra-agents,” he formed the words with his lips, nodding his head towards the room next to the lab you were at.

You leaned over the corner to see that he was right – the room next to you was full of Hydra’s men, dressed in black suits, clearly guarding something. You glanced at the big guns in their hands, before pulling quickly back to flash a grin to Steve.

“Well, this is going to be fun,” you let out a quiet laughter, making him roll his eyes with smile on his lips as you pressed your fingers against your earbud. “All free Avengers to the –“

Yet, before you got a chance to finish your sentence, you heard a loud explosion coming from the room next to you and for your shock, realized that the wall next to you was cracking and about to collapse right on top of the two of you.

“Steve,” you let out a shout, as he pushed you aside, causing himself to be too slow to pull away from the rocks. A big piece of the breaking cement wall dropped on top of his left arm, locking him against the floor.

Letting out a pain-filled shout, he raised his shield to cover himself from the falling boulders. “Y/N,” he called out, glancing at you, his blue eyes filled with fear, “you have to go!”

Yet you couldn’t move, you couldn’t leave him. Tearing your hair, you tried to calm down your breathing and think clearly what to do, as the walls around you kept collapsing and the floor started to shake.

“Y/N go,” Steve gasped, pressing his eyes shut from pain as he tried to move the rock without a success.

“I’m not going to leave you,” you cried out, rushing to him, trying your best to get him free. Tears ascending to your eyes the situation hit hard against your face; Steve was trapped. You were too weak to move the boulder and it would be too risky to call the others for help – the base was about to collapse any second.

A loud crack and the voice of flowing water made you turn around, gasp running from your lips. You had found your solution; a wall made of glass, separating the lab from the dark water of the lake.

“Water,” you mumbled, your eyes lighting up as you turned back to Steve. “I’m going to break the glass.”

“What?” He gasped, his eyes widening. “Y/N-“

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