Attraction//Sebastian Stan

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Giggling, you pushed open the hotel room’s door, Sebastian staggering right after you, half empty bottle of champagne in his hand and a mischievous grin on his slightly flushed face.

”Welcome to my humble home,” the brunet chuckled, taking a sip from the bottle before collapsing to the huge, king-sized bed at the middle of the even huger room. Vivid laughing filling the air, you spun around, trying to have a glance of every little detail of everything but humble suite.

You laughed, taking support from the edge of the bed to stop your head from spinning. ”And this is humble to you?”

”If you would have said yes to my offer all those years ago,” Sebastian raised the bottle in his hand, his eyes twinkling in the dark lighting, ”all of this could be yours.”

Rolling your eyes, you fell to the bed right next to the man, causing his smile to grow even wider.

Taking a better position, he leaned his cheek to his hand, his face only inches away from yours. All the drinks and champagne of the long night running in your veins, you felt warm waves of confidence spreading to every inch of your body.

Your eyes wandering along Sebastian’s face, you nipped your bottom lip between your teeth. Saying that the man in front of you –the man you had grown up with, was handsome was an understatement. He wasn’t handsome, no. He was like one of those perfectly detailed statues, carved of pure marble by the Goddess of perfection herself; those perfectly plump lips, keeping dozens of secrets locked behind them; those sharp, almost too sharp cheekbones, that made you wonder if the blade in the Goddess’s hand had slipped while carving them – and those eyes. Eyes that twinkled brightly yet warmly, telling thousands of stories with a single glance – eyes that were a story by themselves.

Sebastian’s gentle fingers landing to your cheek made you flinch and your drunk thoughts to crackle. Shaking your head, you tried your best to get your thoughts into the right order, even though you knew that as long as his fingers kept running on your heated skin, it would be impossible for you.

”All those years ago,” Sebastian talked, his voice not much louder than a whisper, ”as they offered you the role from the movie – you should have said yes.”

Soft laughter running from your lips, you shook your head slowly. ”Seb-”

”I mean it,” he rushed to say, handing you the now almost empty bottle of champagne. ”Y/N you are so perfect-”

”And you’re so drunk,” you laughed, before filling your cheeks with the still cold drink of God’s, wondering if the Goddess herself had drank champagne while carving Sebastian’s flawless fragile.

”You know,” Sebastian smirked, almost plausibly innocent smile on his face; perks of being an actor, ”you’re drunk-”

”Aha,” you kicked your eyebrow with a playful smirk.

”I’m drunk –”

”Oh yes, I’ve noticed –”

”And well, you know what they say –”

”Oh right, When in Rome, do as the Romans,” you joked with a smirk.

”Yeah, but also that, you know, ‘what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas’ one –”

”We are not in Vegas, Sebby,” you notified, being fully aware of his fingers playing with the rim of your short dress, moving it up your tight inch by inch.

”Always so clever,” Sebastian smirked, ”I was thinking more of ‘what happens while you’re drunk –‘”

”Stays while you’re drunk?” You laughed softly, nipping your bottom lip between your teeth as his fingers found the rim of your briefs.

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