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I heard screaming on the main floor of the warehouse. I went to check it out and when I reach the bottom of the stairs I seen her.

The one that ruined my life. No remorse came her at all. Trey was dragging her to a chair but she was fighting all the way until he knocked her out.

"This bitch ripped my KG shirt." He huffed.

I shook my head and walked up to her unconscious body.

"Tie her up. Ima get Nicki." I said walking away from the two of them.

When me and Nicki came back dow we seen her father and Rashaad standing there in front of Cherry. Both of our jaws dropped. All Mr.Wen did was laugh at our expressions.

He took Rashaad by the hand and walked with us to the back of the warehouse.

"All this bullshit reached my ears before it did yours. Now tell me why the fuck she touched my grandson?!" He yelled at the three of us standing in front of him. "Nicki don't even try to feed no phony story either."

"D-daddy we, I was gonna tell you but I wanted you to have a break for once. Im handling it. And she gotta him while he was at school." Nicki sounding like she was the same 17 year old girl I met I think 8 or 9 years ago.

"Mr.Wen it wasn't just all her fault. But like she said we handling it just fine." I said trying to reason with the very tall angry Mr.Wen.

"Nigga don't talk to me! I should have been killed your dumbass fuckin my blood life up like you did. But she begged me not to. Lucky ass motherfucker." His voice boomed even more making all of us flinch.

"Pops, why is that lady bloody?" Rashaad was on the verge of tears.

I still can't believe Mr.Wen brought Rashaad here. I never wanted him to see this side of our lives. This just means he has the same choice to make just like Trey, Nicki, Sean, Day Day, and me. I want him to choose differently.

"Daddy why you bring him here?" Nicki cried.

"He need to start early don't he?" Mr.Wen grabbed Rashaad up and took him in front of a bloody Cherry who was now awake.

"Wassup Papi? Miss me?" Cherry laughed sinisterly with a mouth full of blood. "Oh look at that. My god baby all grown up looking just like his daddy."

Something snapped and Nicki and she lunged at her in the chair. It took both me and her father to get her off of Cherry. Her father sat an even more bloody Cherry up in the chair again.

"Say that shit again bitch!" Nicki frilled around in my arms.

Cherry spit out some blood and smiled. "Ray's d game was strong back then. Im pretty sure you got back on that saddle. How's Jacob's I never really rode him like Ray."

I dropped Nicki and we both went at her. We punched and kicked her until we heard Rashaad scream for us to stop. When I looked at him he was a look on his face that I never wanted to see. He was scared of us. A child should never be that scared of their own parents.

"Ma, daddy, can yall stop please." He had full blown tears coming sown his face.


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