
Ive done did a lot of shit just to live this here lifestyle. We came straight from the bottom, to the top, my lifestyle. Nigga livin life like volcano and this only the beginnin. Im one the top of the mountain, puffin on clouds and niggas still beginnin.

"Aint it too early to be smokin yo?" Tay Tay said coming downstairs dress in sweatpants and a jersey with nike slides on. He picked up his bookbag and turned my music off.

"Aint you bout to miss your bus?" I blew out a cloud of smoke.

He chuckled. "Naw, don't you suppose be somewhere? Let me think." He tapped his chin with his index finger. "Right with your girl and your child, remember the people you left in the hospital?"

"Shut the hell up and go to school." I snarled. "And put on your coat."

He mumbled all the way out the door. This nigga about to get smacked with his smart ass mouth. Him and Roc.

Well, I guess I should get off my ass and go to the hospital. I put on some jeans and another t-shirt and grabbed my jacket. I got Nicki's bag and threw it in the passenger's seat and sped to the hospital. I took the stairs to the 8th floor and knock on her door when I walked down the hall.

"What?" She said when she seen me.

"Damn. I cant come see my girl and my son?" I laughed anxiously. I sat the bag down by the bathroom and washed my hands in the sink. I picked up Rashaad who was sleeping and kicking.

"Put him down." She said raspy.

I got a good look at her then. Her hair was already a mess but that aint never phase her before. She had bags under her eyes and her lips were chapped to the point where they were peeling. Everybody know that she always keeps her lips looking kissable and soft.

"Put him down and get the hell out." Her voice started to crack.

"Ima put him down but Im not leaving." I glared at her.

"You not?" She folded her arms.

I put Rashaad down and he kicked even more. "No, Im not. Whats your problem now?"

"My problem." She chuckle. "My problem is you was fuckin my bestfriend. Now get the hell out of here."

I could tell she was holding back tears. But they escaped her anyway.

I just stood there with my jaw on the floor. "H-how you find that out?" I asked looking away from now a sobbing Nicki. I hate it when she cry.

"Your phone. Im such a dumbass to believe all this shit could be good for real. Just one time. One fucking time Ray in my life I wanted something long term but I guess you aint it. Get your shit out my house and don't fucking talk to me ever. Forget that you even have a son at that." She wiped away her tears as she stared at me.

I was still standing there dead in my tracks. "Fuck you mean forget I have a son. Nicki Im sorry for what I did but that don't mean you gotta keep my son from me. And you kicking me out? Where the hell me and Tay Tay gonna go?!"

"Excuse me is there a problem here?" The nurse came in with a security guard behind her.

"Naw we good. He was just leaving. Weren't you Rayan?" She shot me a look that was filled so much hate.

"Yeah. Im leaving." I said taking one last look at my son for what maybe the last time.


I watched him leave out of the room and the nurse came over to me. "Its okay. Some people just come into your life for a season. Some people come into your life for a reason. Either way you gotta keep your head up." She gave me a warm smile and left back out closing the door behind her.

I lost it then. He gone for real. I just couldn't be with him after I listened to him and Roc arguing last night. He called me by accident and didn't realize it. Then he left his phone over there and Roc answered it.

"Hello" He answered heavily breathing.

"Yeah." I chocked out.

"Nicki, Im so sorry. You aint have to find out like this." Roc said sympathetically.

"Roc, yall was playing right. I mean this is a joke." I whimpered.

"Naw. You okay?" He asked.

"Not really. Im hurt and confused. I thought he loved me, man." I sniffled.

"He does. He just doing dumb shit." Roc said trying to make me feel better.

"Well Im the dumb one for not seeing that shit." I cried.

"No you not." He tried to console me over the phone but I hung up and cried the rest of the night. I woke Rashaad up with my crying and held on to him until it was time to feed him again.

Im honestly torn to pieces right now. How could they? Cherry of all people. I could see if it was hoe I didn't know but this was my homie for life he was fucking. Why I have no clue. All I know is that this shit hurts. Badly.

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