My heart shifts into over drive as realization dawns on me. Oh my god, this is the house I woke up in. I was stopped by a guy who looked to be around my age maybe even a year or two younger than me just before I made it to the doors. His voice halted me and I just stared like a deer in the headlights at the intricate carvings that were made into the wood before turning around and nearly slumping in relief as I realized it wasn't the man I woke up with. He offered to drive me home but I refused so he ordered an Uber for me since my phone was dead.

My breathing grows erratic as I realize I had sex with Rafael in his mothers house. Why did he bring me to her house? I want to scream at the thought that she could've heard us together that night. Maybe she wasn't here.

Angelo parks in the driveway and before he can reach for his door handle I stop him. "Wait."

"What's wrong?" He asks in alarm.

He's been on edge since the guard let us through the gate to the community. I could tell he's extremely uncomfortable being here.

I wince, knowing this isn't going to go over well. "You actually have to stay in the car."

He clenches his jaw. "You aren't serious."

"I'm sorry." I apologize. "Giovanni said you have to stay in the car."

"And why do you think that is?" He shakes his head. "I don't like this, you pay me to protect you and I can't do that if I'm not in there with you."

"I can't demand they allow you inside their home."

"Yes, you could. For your safety." He disagrees.

"I could but I'm trying to make a good impression on his family. Giovanni already thinks the worst of me, I don't want the others to as well." I reply quietly.

Angelo purses his lips and looks away. "Fine."

Without another word I slip out of the SUV, clutching the gold strap on my Chanel bag tightly as I approach the door. Before I can even lift my hand to press the doorbell, the door is ripped open and I'm engulfed in a bone crushing hug. The body pulls away quickly, Dior perfume wafting up in a cloud hitting my nose just as two amber eyes meet mine.

"Oh my gosh you're even more gorgeous in person!" The petite girl gushes.

She's tiny, like five foot nothing tiny, with waist length black hair, big pouty lips and defined cheek bones. She's dressed in a beautiful gold cocktail dress that makes her eyes pop and tall heels.

"I'm Alessia, Rafael's sister." She introduces herself, beaming at me.

"Alessia, cara, don't linger at the door, it isn't proper. Welcome our guest inside please." An older woman's voice says from somewhere in the house.

(Cara: dear)

Alessia rolls her amber eyes and steps out of the way. "Please come in."

I walk inside the foyer and Alessia closes the door behind me. A man dressed in a suit stands off to the side against the wall looking straight ahead like a soldier.

"Oh that's Jamie, part of our security detail. He's just pouting because I answered the door." Alessia says, noticing me eyeing him.

He doesn't look like he's pouting, in fact there isn't the slightest of emotion on his face at all.

I follow Alessia from the foyer down a short hall and into a large kitchen where delicious smells are filling the house. My stomach growls reminding me that it's been a while since I've eaten.

An older woman wearing an apron over her wine red cocktail dress greets me with a smile on her face. "Hello, cara, you must be Nolani, I'm Viola DeLuca."

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