Will He Survive? - Part 2

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Bumblebee's POV:

I was battling Starscream in hand to hand combat, and I was winning so far. I then heard a roar of pain and turned around. My eyes widened and I gasped when I saw Megatron rip out his blade from Optimus. Megatron threw Optimus into the fire and I felt my heart tighten in fear and agony.

"Optimus! NO!" I cried out. Starscream kicked me away and I groaned in pain. Bulk must've seen Megatron throw our leader in the fire, cause he knocked out Breakdown and ran towards the fire. I punched Starscream hard in the face and I heard a crack. "AHHH! YOU CARRIER FRAGGER!" He roared. "You big sparkling." I just stated back blankly, then I turned away from his stuttering face and ran towards the fire.

Megatron was limping through a ground bridge, bleeding very badly, and I saw Starscream look... Worried? Whatever. I stopped in front of the fire to see Bulkhead walk out of the fire, holding a burnt, bloody Optimus. I gasped and felt tears come to my eyes.

"Please tell me he's gonna be ok!" I asked my "big brother". He looked worried. "Don't worry Bee, Optimus will be fine." He said softly. I nodded and picked up my walkie talkie thing and contacted Ratchet. "Ratchet, Optimus got hurt and we need a groundbridge, now!" I exclaimed.

A ground bridge immediately opened in front of us. Bulk ran through with Optimus and I looked behind us to see my 'big sister' fighting 10 human vehicons, and she beat them all. Wow. "Cee! We need to go!" I called out to her. She nodded and ran through the portal, and I went through too.

When I appeared on the other side, Ratch was standing next to June, as they both desperately hooked Optimus up to the machines. I felt tears well up in my eyes again in worry and dread. I apparently started to shake, because Bulk came over to me and hugged me whispering soft reassurances into my ear as I cried softly.

Primus please, tell me Optimus will survive...

A/N: CLIFFHANGER! I'm sorry Oppy is hurt guys, but then again, DRAMA! Also, OVER 1 K READS?!?! Thank you all so much! Love you all so much! Until next time, FanGirl out)

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