I continued to tell Kyle what to tell Keiffer.

“Lacey and I are fully mated and we are both black wolves.”

“Ok, I still don’t see where this is going. It almost sounds like you’re trying to tell me that my sister is a descendant of Camden and Isabelle. Next you’re going to tell me she was the royal mark on her front left paw and that she has super powers.” Keiffer was now laughing his ass of. Figures.

 I stood up and made my way over to Keiffer and put my front left paw in his lap. He picks it up and drops it like I had burned him. I laugh to myself, that’s what you get for laughing at me dumbass.

“That’s just a coincidence. It’s a birth mark nothing more.”

Ok I didn’t want it to come to this but since my dipshit of a brother won’t believe me I have no choice. I haven’t told anyone about my powers not even Kyle. I have been training with the help of Zendaya, I found out about a week after my shift that my wolfs name is Zendaya and that Kyles is Tylo. Zendaya taught me how to use all of my powers, because I am a descendant of Camden and Isabelle I can control all four elements; water, fire, earth and wind. I know how to control all of my abilities I can manipulate water to create rain, hail, snow, hurricanes, tsunami’s, random storms and I can shoot water bombs. I can use the wind to make, tornadoes, strong wind storms, and I can use its force to repel things and enemies. Fire is my favourite I can make huge forest fires and light my finger tips with a simple snap, fire walls are fun and so is my fire cannon. Earth is hard because it uses more energy I can make earth quakes and I can make mountains, trees and other natural structures appear out of nowhere, I can control the seasons and also night and day by making the earth turn and messing with the temperatures. I figured since we are locked in a basement I should play it safe and just mess with my water, wind, and a little fire just to dry up the water, I mean I could just use a towel but I'm a bit of a show off.

I step back away from Keiffer and tell Kyle to stay back and away from both me and Keiffer so he doesn’t get hurt. I use my wolf ears to listen for anyone else in the house. Luckily Kayman was not back yet so I decided it was safe to make a little thunder and lightning storm above Keiffers head.

‘Ky tell Keiffer to close his eyes.’

“Keiffer, Lacey wants you to close your eyes.”

He closes his eyes and I get to work I use my water and air/wind powers to make a small storm cloud then add a little thunder and lightning, and last but not least what’s a storm without a little rain. I was still a little annoyed that Keiffer didn’t believe me from the start so instead of a light rain I put a little more energy into it and made a mini torrential down pour. In a matter of seconds Keiffer was soaked and giving me the best WTF face I had ever seen, I was rolling around on the ground holding my stomach with my paws when Keiffer finally spoke.

“Ok now that I'm soaked through my freaking underwear, I believe you ok?”

I quickly shifted back into human form and Kyle gave me his shirt to wear for now.

“Ya well if you would have believed me from the beginning then you lil tighty whiteys would be nice and dry.”

“Well fix it before they’re permanently stuck to my ass.”

I laughed and walked over to him. I held up my left hand and snapped the fingers on my right hand causing the ones on my left to light, it looked like I had claws made of fire. I took my right hand and started making a swirling motion as I made a small tornado when it was half done I held it over my flaming finger tips and heated the air of the tornado when it was finally finished I tossed it into the air and as it fell I shot my palms out towards Keiffer. He closed his eyes and flinched as the wall of warm air hit him thinking it was going to hurt which it didn’t. After the air hit him he was dry again I used the tips of my fingers and used them to dry the puddle at Keiffers feet then stood and snapped again to stop the flames coming from my fingers. I looked up at both boys Keiffer looked shocked but impressed at the same time while Kyle had passed out on the floor, my poor baby. I then remembered that I also had psychic powers so I showed Keiffer by raising my right hand with my index finger pointed at Kyle and lifted him from the ground and placed him gently on the couch.


“You are such a spaz.”

“Am not!”

“Oh shut up ya whiner.”

I laid down on Kyles back seeing as he was lying on his stomach and nuzzled my head between his shoulder blades wrapping my arms around his waist and holding him tight against me. I loved having Kyle close to me, it made me feel safe and loved. I knew that Kyle was also a descendant of Camden and Isabelle but I really didn’t want to tell him. I knew that we were the ones chosen to work with our wolves Zendaya and Tylo to save Kayman but thinking about all the things that could go wrong makes me wish we weren’t.

“What’s wrong Loca? I'm your brother you can’t hide anything from me and you know it.”

“Keiffer I know what happens next. Me and Kyle go and fight with Kayman and whoever he has by his side until we save him, but what if something happens to Kyle?”

“Nothing is going to happen to Kyle you guys will have me and the rest of the family there to help you.”

“You don’t know that Keiffer. The boys don’t even know where I am and Hailie and the girls don’t either how will they find me in time to fight with me?”

“Trust me they will, Jay would never let you fight alone and you know it neither would the rest of the pack. As for Kyle I can see that he loves you and I know he is going to be by your side every step of the way.”

“But what if he gets hurt…..or worse?”

“He won’t.”

“Again you don’t know that. If anything happens to Kyle I don’t know what I'm going to do he means everything to me Keiffer. I love him so much there’s no way I could ever let him go. I can’t live without him, he’s my whole world. I can barely last 5 minutes without seeing him let alone forever. I can’t do this Keiffer, I'm gonna go insane just thinking about it. It kills me to think of living without Kyle. I love him more than he will ever know. What am I going to do Keiffer?”

I was in tears by the time I finished talking. I held tighter to Kyle not wanting to let go. Kyle groaned and rolled over wrapping his arms around me and holding me close.

“Hey, what's wrong baby girl? Why are you crying?”

I tightened my grip on Kyle and cried into his chest. He rubbed my back and held me tight while he kissed my head. I pulled back a little bit so I could see his face, he still held me close to him while he looked at me waiting for an answer. I kissed Kyle and looked up at him again.

“I love you so much Kyle and the thought of losing you or you leaving scares the shit out of me. I lose you Kyle you mean everything to me.”

“Aw baby girl. Why would I ever want to leave the most beautiful girl in the world? Huh? I love you way too much to let you go I'm here for good baby you’re never getting rid of me.”

I smiled up at him and he kissed my nose. I cuddled into his chest and took a deep breath Kyles sent always calmed me down. He kissed the top of my head and rested his chin on it as he held me tight as if I would disappear. 

“I love you so much baby girl. You know that right?”

I smiled and nodded into his chest.

“I know. I love you to.”

I fell asleep in Kyles arms with a smile on my face. Kyle was mine forever and I knew he meant what he said. How did I get so lucky? Even though I'm being held captive by my psychotic ex-best friend as long as Kyle is with me I know I'm safe and if I'm with him I'm happy.





Shifting? Alphas? Didnt see that cominDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora