Task 4 - Male Entries

Start from the beginning

"You little brat! After everything I've done for you! I! Saved! Your! Pathetic. Life!" She screams, tackling him to the ground, jabbing at his body with her long spear. Every word marks another hole in his body as Clara rampages, her blue hair streaked with scarlet. She finally stops as gently touch her shoulder, sobs racking her body. I help her up, but she collapses into my chest. We sit in the field, her crying into my shoulder as I awkwardly rub her back.

"Want to talk about it?" I ask quietly, pausing my soothing motions for a moment. She shakes her head roughly, sniffling. "It's okay," I sigh, pulling her back to my chest. She sobs for hours, her tears streaking my and her front. "It'll be okay. We'll be fine," I mumble in her ear, wiping a line tear off my cheek. The funny thing was, I couldn't tell if it was mine or not.

That night, we began to walk back to camp. We didn't get anything to eat, but it looks like that wasn't our biggest priority. The camp looks like it was ransacked, so we called out our allies names. They come running out of the forest, telling similar tales to ours. This was just game played by the Capitol on us; a mental task, supposed to push us over the brink of insanity. Winter was holding a broken little necklace with a lone, brown bead. "My grandmother-" was all aw could choke out before bursting into tears. We all comforted each other before settling back in for the night. It appears David and Alex died today; two less tributes to kill before winning, I suppose. Maybe tomorrow we'll be successful in a hunt without almost getting killed.

Alexander Lacey

The fog had disappeared all at once without any warning. It was fine with me because I personally don't like the gas masks. Since the fog had disappeared, I had been sitting right outside of the factory, also known as my base. Very few people come here, and none escape. Not on my watch anyways.

I had been very board; no cannons had gone off in quite a while. Sure, it was night, but that is the best time to hunt. I would be hunting, but I don't want to get to far from the factory or the cornucopia. The factory is here for some reason, a reason im not sure of yet, but if it's here for something good, I want to be in a close proximity. Even if it is a bad thing, I'll know before everyone unless it's announced.

The sky showed the faces of Vernetta Reid, Phineus Flanch, Jadine Fairwood, and Crescentia Hoods. Each had flaws leading them to their downfall. Phineus surprised me most, He was a good career, and actually had a chance (Not that I would admit that before). The other three just lowered the number of deaths that need to happen.

I carefully went to sleep behind a bush, blending in well with it. The next thing I knew, it was a cloudy morning. Almost as if war was going to take place. I instantly reached for my sword, ready to slay at any moment. I stood up and packed my things. Odds are that something strange is going to happen and im going to have to move places. I throw my back pack on my back. I twirl my sword and take a look around. It was deathly quiet and that was killing me. Something was going to happen, something very soon.

Before I could take a step, a loud sound screeched throughout the arena. I readied myself for a fight against a huge mammal when I heard a voice. I lifted my head to the sky to see Antonio's face shinning in the sky. My sponcer and the head game maker smiled down upon the arena. "Hello tributes!" He says. "We at the capital have a special treat for you." As he says this, fourteen beams of light glisten and shimmer down from the sky. One falls just around the other side of the factory. I get a feeling that that one is for me. "Just remember..." Antonio says in almost a whisper. He grins like the grim reaper and winks at us all. "Trust no-one." He said that almost as if it wasn't obvious. Then, his face vanishes.

I dash to the other side of the factory, carefully watching my steps. I keep my sword withdrawn for any visitors or crazy animals that block me from this light or for the light. They could always give us big hungry cats that are ready to devour people.

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