Jolly fell silent. It was true he had been responsible for hosting the other members of the family with their arcana but it was a dangerous business. The only willing hosts he had worked on were the ones assembled in this room. Everyone else had been forced into it and they still held a grudge against him for that.

Not that I care about their feelings... but there is my personal safety to consider too......

"Jolly will try Papa! And I'll make sure nothing gets out of hand!" Said Irisu suddenly "And I'll take care of your personal safety so wipe that look off your face!"

Jolly immediately scowled at her but said nothing. Mondo laughed heartily.

"I must say Jolly, atleast you made one good decision in your life."

Jolly hoped Papa would drop the topic and spare him the embarrassment.

"What's the next thing on the agenda, Mondo?" Asked Sumire.

For once Jolly was happy that Sumire didn't approve of his relation to Irisu or any conversation regarding that.

"The next thing... there are two members who we have isolated. One you met today... unfortunately...."

"The old man?" Asked Jolly curiously.
"Yes. He's the host of The Heirophant. But his arcana came with a price. He suffers from what he calls 'the madness'. He loses his mind at times and well.... He's not dangerous.... but he's not harmless either. So I want you to act discreetly with this information. Understood?"

Everyone nodded.

"Next.... Mama do you wish to explain?"

"Yes. The last member is the host of The Hanged Man. You haven't seen him yet because I have ensured he gets peace and quiet."

"Which is a way of saying you have hidden him somewhere huh?" Asked Irisu sharply.

"Whatever you want to imagine! The thing is Jacob... the host.... he has a frail constitution."

Mondo's eyebrow shot up hearing this but he said nothing. But Irisu interrupted again -

"Or you are making him out to be frail! How would we know?!"

"You are doubting me?! Why would I lie? He told me what he wanted. Jacob needs rest. He cannot mix with the others because he is weak. Also he isn't very good at communicating with people. So -"

"Someone bad at communicating told you all that!!! Why don't you get your story straight, sister?!?"

"Why do you always have to create a scene, Irisu?!?"

"What are you hiding, Sumire?!?"

Jolly and Dante just stood to the side numbly watching this all familiar duel. Neither sister could stand the sight of each other. Nobody dared stop them either. It was much too vicious.

"Sumire, Irisu... stop please... I have something more to say." Said Mondo finally.

"Ok!" Said Irisu flopping down on the bed with a huff.

Sumire glared at Mondo but fell silent too. For a moment Mondo looked weary and old but he immediately went back to his loud self and said with a laugh.

"Alright! Now for the final and most interesting news! To test the new talents I have decided to hold an Arcana duello!"

"What?!?!" Shouts of dismay came from everyone but Irisu.

"Papa, isn't that a bit... unnecessary?" Said Sumire gently.

"And it's old." Said Jolly dully.

For once Sumire was glad Jolly was on her side.

"But it will be fresh blood! Also it's absolutely necessary to test their commitment and potential! What do you think, Irisu?"

"I think it's an excellent idea, Papa!"
"That's my girl!"

Sumire and Jolly gave her a cold stare that said 'Suck up' but Irisu continued unaffected-

"Besides how is it old?! You only did it once before and I wasn't even there! Moreover.... if we propose this idea they will have to start training which gives us an easier way to measure their skills right?"

"That's right!" Said Jolly suddenly realising how this would be easier than having to coax each one of them individually to show off their skills.

Sumire glared at the traitor but then with a sigh she relented.

"Do whatever you want. If it makes you happy. But don't force them. Only the ones who are willing need to fight."

"Uff! Nobody will touch your precious Jacob! Everyone else has to fight!" Said Irisu.

"Yes everyone else must fight!" Said Jolly quickly supporting her.

Papa smiled seeing their enthusiasm.

"And we will let Felicita and the others join too." He said.

"Is that necessary, Mondo?" Asked Jolly.

Dante who had been quiet till now suddenly spoke. (*an incredible feat in itself because I just don't know what to make him say*)

"They are already experienced with controlling their arcana. They will be able to test them better. Also they might get to learn something too!"

"Exactly Dante!" Said Mondo "And to make it interesting it shall be no holds barred!"

The New Arcana Famiglia  [A La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now