29: Topple

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Log Date 1568: I have decided on an.. inhumane challenge today. If all goes the way I plan, things will be much more exciting around here.
Edit:... things did not go as plan. It went worse than planned.

Lightbulb's P.O.V

It'd been a week since we almost got out. I sat and drew picture in the dust. Pictures of eggs and pizzas, and whatever else I could imagine from my time on the surface. Fan was asleep and Paintbrush was staring at the one way mirror. I quietly shuffled over to them, wanting comfort.

If there's one thing that this whole experiment had done for me, it was make me appreciate what I got. I didn't know how good I had it with life before it was gone. I didn't understand the value Paintbrush had to me before we had to start again. And now I'm scared to be lonely.
I pulled up next to them. They lifted their eyebrows in surprise and moved over to make room for me.

"Thanks." I said, trying awkwardly to avoid eye contact. They politely nodded in response.
"Is your head ok?" They asked casually. I still hadn't gotten used to that.
"M-My head?" I replied cluelessly,
"From when you ran into the door?"
"Oh yeah, that. Gosh, how long ago was that?"
"Beats me. Time flies when you're stuck in a white room all day." They chuckled. I laughed with them. Being normal with them felt so different.
"But yeah, my head's fine."
"Better than that time Marsh smashed it in I'm guessing?" They added humorously. I laughed.

"Goosshh, don't even remind me!" I shoved their arm playfully. I realised at that moment how weird it must be to laugh about nearly dying.

"What do you think Marsh and Apple are doing now?" Paintbrush asked blankly. They looked further up the window.
"Let's pray they're not killing each other." I smiled.
"Hey! Language!"
"Sorry! Sorry!"
We laughed for a bit, and then we just stared at each other.
"I miss what we had." I finally said. Paintbrush didn't reply, but I could sense their agreement. Then we sat there and stared at the window.

Finally, the door fell. Test tube walked through.
"Ah, at least no one is burning anyone else alive!" She giggled psychotically. Paintbrush shook their hand, disinterested in Test tube's joke. The scientist cleared her throat. "Well you all know the drill, come on."

I turned around, ignoring Test tube's threatening gaze, and went to go wake up Fan.
"Buddy?" I said softly, I had learnt that by now, the best way to get him up was just by a gentle shrug.

"Buddy come on. Wake u-"
Something smacked the wall next to us, making me scream. This made Fan to wake up with a jolt. He panted and shaked, slowly grabbing my hand and squeezing it. Enraged, I looked for the source of the sound, only to find Test tube blankly standing over me.

"Good he's up!" Test tube smiled. I stared at her, completely disgusted.
Who does she think she is? She thinks she can just snap her fingers and have everything her way.
Not if  I have anything to do with it..

Fan's P.O.V

We got led down the hallway. My body was violently shaking so I clinged to Lightbulb, who took me under her arm. Although she comforted me, her gaze was strong with anticipation, her fist was tightly clutched. I squeezed her arm, she didn't flinch.

Paintbrush led, keeping their distance from Test tube. I could even feel Test tube's anticipation, which was something I thought I wouldn't see in Test tube again.

Finally she entered a room. A giant room. It was like our room but instead of white pads it was just metal. I glanced around the room, it was almost empty. Apart from the small wood table near the back of the room. I peered at Test tube from behind Lightbulb, cringing at her sinister smirk.

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