11: I don't care anymore

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Log Date:1550. Finished filing down the loss of Subject 4. Now we have 1, 2, and 3 left. 3 seems to have taken the most mental damage, for he has yet to recover. No, scratch that, 1 took most mental damage. She has yet to show any emotion since 4's death. Maybe all that interaction was bad for her. Either that, or she's just been unstable since the beginning. 2 has attempted to spark something from 1, but all attempts have proven failed. 3 converses with 2 more often. They now just leave 1 to herself. Hopefully she'll fix herself eventually. I've sent down food already. That's all for now, I may report again later on 1.

Lightbulb's P.O.V:

I should nap, but I don't want to. I should eat, but I'm not hungry. I should drink, but I'm not thirsty. I'm tired, and miss home. I want to go back that garden, I want to go back to when Marshy was alive. I've always wanted things, but I can't always have everything I want. But these things should be easy. They aren't. I just lay here on the tile floor, waiting until someone or something tries to get me to eat again. 

Paintbrush's P.O.V:

Fan isn't as bad as I thought. He's pretty okay at conversations, but the second I mention home he instant launches into a half hour rant about how the camp was built and weird unrelated stuff like that. "So that's why I say the teams should've stayed, what about you?" He asked. I was back to looking at Lightbulb. She hasn't said anything to anyone since Marshmellow died. Speaking of which, her remains are still here. We just swept them to the side to forget about them. I should've done something...Paintbrush don't think like that. You're smarter than this. You couldn't have done anything if you tried. Back to Lightbulb. I don't think she's eaten in a few hours. "Paintbrush!" Fan yelled. I snapped back. "Huh? Oh right. I say it was a good choice to make solos, even thought I was eliminated in that episode" I said quietly. Fan looked in the direction I was. "Oh....Your concerned for her, aren't you?" I nodded. "Alright. Let's go see if we can get her to do something." Fan said. We both got up, and walked over to her.

Fan's P.O.V:

Okay. Maybe we have been ignoring Lightbulb a little bit. But she's resilient. She can't let death stop her, considering it's inevitable. Well, considering she's an optimist, that probably was a really hard blow. She still needs to pull herself together anyway. "Hey Lightbulb" I said. No reaction. She just stares at me blankly. I glance nervously at Paintbrush and nudge them forward. "H-Hey Lightbulb" They repeated. Still nothing. I'm done. "I'm sorry Paintbrush, but she's hopeless. Try all you want, I have a catalog to date." I said, pulling out my phone and walking off.

Lightbulb's P.O.V:

I watch Fan leave. He's given up on me. Great. They just don't know how to get me to talk, do they? I switch my gaze back to Paintbrush. Hopefully they haven't given up on me. "Don't mind him, he just doesn't try hard enough, eh?" Paintbrush laughed. "He tries plenty hard, I'm just hopeless" I said blankly. "Oh hey, you talk!" Paintbrush jokes. I stare at them. "Sorry, Sorry." "Paintbrush, can I ask you something?" They seemed shocked that I called them Paintbrush instead of Painty. "Sure." They said, studying me. "Why did you change?" "What?" They asked back, Confused. "You heard me. You changed, I didn't. You used to be so fun to be around. Now all you do is call me stupid and yell your head off. What happened?" I said, lowering my gaze. They fell silent. "I knew it. You don't have a reason. You just...changed. That's stupid." I said angrily. They still stay silent. "I know you didn't come over here to talk to me. Why did you come over?" "Because it's been around five hours since you've eaten." They replied. "Oh right. I didn't notice" I said truthfully. 

Paintbrush's P.O.V:

Okay, that's not where I wanted this to go. She's being stubborn again. That's stupid, just like she said. "Lightbulb, you need to at least eat something. You're going to starve." "Does it look like I care?" Lightbulb replied blandly. "We talked about this" I threatened. "I know! I'm not as stupid as you think I am!" She yelled. Fan looked up from his phone, then went back to typing. "The reason I'm not talking, or eating, or any of that is because I don't care anymore! Marsh died here! If she died here, so are we! There's nothing we can do, so what's the point?! Test Tube wants us to react! She wants us to do something! So I'm doing nothing, even if it's means I die!" She screamed, and then sat down. I expected her to start crying, but she didn't. She's grown further away from everyone. Numb. That's not good. I heard her start humming to herself. I walked away to my corner, leaving her to her own.

Fan's P.O.V:

I can't sit back and just write about this. I need to do at least something history worthy while I'm here. I walked over to Lightbulb. "Look, I know things are terrible now, and it's pointless to do anything..but...don't you think there's a bright side to this?" I asked her. "How could there be. We are all going to die here" She replied dully. "Well, there are a few things. 1: It's better than dying alone. 2: We got to know each other better, and probably will keep getting to know each other. Now you make three, okay?" I asked, hoping she'd atleast do something with me. She nodded. "Three....um....Well, I get to talk to all of you instead of just being all sad by myself" I notice a slight smile on her face. I beam at her. "There's That signature smile!" She laughed, letting the smile grow. She studied me, gave me a small hug, and got up to head back to her corner. "Thanks Fan. You're better at this than Paintbrush. All they do is yell" She said as she left. I liked that hug. It was warm.

Lightbulb's P.O.V:

It's nice to know at least someone cares. Physical contact is rare, so it was nice of him to let me hug him. Maybe I should, you know, stick around. For him, and everyone. It's only fair, since I owe him. He may care about keeping me alive, but I sure don't. As for Paintbrush....I'm not sure. It's like they can't decide whether or not to care about me. Let them decide, I don't care anymore.

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