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Log Date: 1551. Today might be a better day, since today's log Date is a number palindrome. Along with the coincidence, Today's the day I have to go shopping. Which means leaving the lab after about 7 months. I wonder how I'll react to sunlight. More things to note down when I get up there. New experience. Great.

Test Tube's P.O.V:

I'm excited and nervous for today. Today is the first time in seven months I'm leaving the lab. This is also the first time I'm leaving a project alone to themselves. I'm going to keep the intercom on, so it'll record all audio. I don't have any camera's though. I'll be sure to get materials to make some. I wonder how the group will react to this news.

Narritive P.O.V:

Test Tube walked over to her intercom in her office, tapped it, then turned it on. The group turned their heads up to look at the intercom in their room. "Hello. I have some good or bad news for you today, depending on what you think." "Well that's comforting" Paintbrush said flatly. "I'd say concerning, but to each their own" Fan replied. "Sarcasm, remember?" Paintbrush retorted. Lightbulb just stared curiously. "Today I will be headed above ground for five hours, meaning I won't be watching you, and you'll be alone in this room underground." Test Tube said into the intercom. Lightbulb's eyes lit up, and Fan pumped a fist in the air. "Finally!" Paintbrush yelled. "Now I expect no one to be injured when I return. The intercom will record any audio, so there's  your warning." She continued. "Enjoy your free time" She said, walking away from the intercom. 

Lightbulb's P.O.V:

Yay! We get to do what we want! That means escape attempts! She only said no injuries, so as long as no one else gets hurt we can escape! This is great. I'll be sure to tell everyone else my idea.

Paintbrush's P.O.V:

Thank the holy mother of whatever, we finally aren't being watched. I was started to get tired of the "When it feels like you're being watched, and you are." Kinda feel. Fan was already running around the room cheering like an idiot. Lightbulb was excited too, but she defintely has a plan. I walk over to her. "So what's your huge plan now" I asked jokingly. "Well, I was thinking we could try to escape via the food drop slope. She said as long as no one gets hurt, we'll be fine" She replied grinning. "Oh. You're serious" I said catching her expression. "Of course I'm serious" She replied, still holding confidence. "Will you help me?" She asked me, grabbing my wrists. "Lightbulb, I see a problem in your plan." "What?" She asked again. I'm starting to think she's legitimately serious about escaping. If so, she's crazy. "Well for starters, none of us can fit through that hole except Fan, and there's no way he's Going to go against Test Tube." I stated. I noticed her face fall. "Second, That shoot leads into Test Tube's office. If anyone's will know about you going through their stuff, it'd Be her." I finished. "Oh" she replied. I honestly thought she'd try to do it anyway, like the old Lightbulb would, but she didn't. She just went off to chat with Fan.

Test Tube's P.O.V:

I walked down the dark hallway, and up to one of my elevators. I stepped in, and looked at the buttons. All of them were worn and dirty except the top floor button. I pressed it, and the elevator slowly went up. When I opened the doors, I flinched at how bright it was in the main lobby. I grabbed my satchel, which held my money because you can't shop  without it, A box of old parts and inventions to sell, and a reusable bag to carry my stuff. Gotta save the ecosystem! I climbed up the stairs, and reached for the doorknob, but my hand flinched back. Was I really ready to go back to society? Even just for a day? "You can do this Test Tube" I said quietly, then opened the door, and walked out the back of the Drink Machine. I hissed and flinched at the bright sunlight. I realized just how pale I really was. Another thing to add, Vitamin C or E pills. My eyes adjusted to the sunlight, and I walked out into the old gameshow's field. 

The Team Cabins were still there. And so was the elimination grounds. Nostalgia Is a great thing. Too bad I don't have enough good memories for this place to mean anything to me. "Hey! Test Tube!" I heard a young sounding voice yell. I turned around and saw Apple running towards me. I cringed, remembering what happened to Marshmellow. "H-Hey Apple" I stuttered. "Jeez, you're paler than Marshmellow! At least...when I last saw her." I decided to play along. "Last saw her?" I asked fakely. "Where have you been! It's all over the news. Marshmellow, Lightbulb, Fan, and Paintbrush disappeared near the Vending Machine two weeks ago. I'm part of the committee to help find them, since Marsh was so close to me. So far we have nothing." She said, looking down sadly. "Well that certainly is odd, and very sad." I replied awkwardly. "You haven't seen her, have you?" Apple asked hopefully. I remembered Marshmellow attacking Lightbulb, Catching Fire, and her screaming. I hope I didn't pale, because if I did, I would've looked dead. "N-No, Sorry." I replied quietly. "Oh. Well tell me if you see her!" She chirped as I walked away,in the direction of the Convience Store and Flea Market. When I reach the Flea market door, I stop and look at all the posters on the windows. Missing posters. Missing Posters of my Subjects. All Sixteen of them. So Apple wasn't kidding when she said there was a committee. I walked through the door, and saw the cashier. It was Microphone from the Grand Slams. She looked up from her magazine and sat up. "Well if it isn't Dr. No-Show." She laughed. "What can I do for you today?" She asked merrily. "Um, a lot of things. I'd also like to sell a few things." I said, handing her my shopping list and my box of parts and useless inventions. "Wow Test Tube, that's a lot of stuff" She caught view of my box. "In both areas" she added. 

She came back with all my stuff, and handed me the cash for my parts and such. "That'll be $175.25" She said. I looked at the large amount of stuff on the counter. "Shouldn't it be more than that? I asked her. "Game Show and Science Bonus" She replied, pointing to the policy sign. Turns out both of them were on there. "Oh. Well thanks!" I said, grabbing my stuff, stuffing my bag with it, paying for it, and walking out of the store "Watch out for the Metal Kidnapper" She joked. "Metal Kidnapper?" I asked, actually Confused this time. "Yeah. We call them that since everyone who's missing went missing near the vending machine. At least, I call her that." "Her?" I said nervously. "Yup. There's been witnesses of the stuff, but their confessions are so wacky no one believes them" Should've been more careful....I'll come up with a new method later. "Good to know" I said swallowing and nodding. "Good luck Test Tube." She called as I walked out of the door. 

Now I've gotten what I need, and can prevent accidents. Good.

(A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it was fun to write. The next chapter will be of what the "Subjects" did while she was gone)

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