17: Serial Numbers

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Log Date:1556. Subject 5 lasted 1 day. It appears it got Subject 3 instead of Subject 1 sick. I believe this has taken a final toll on her sanity, as she hasn't moved for several hours. It appears she's trying the Ribbon method. That won't work too well, as it also seems she's asleep. If Subject 2 catches her awake, I'm quite sure that they will attack. Hopefully not, I want to see what she'll do to herself. Note: In order to prevent further escape methods, today we shall implant tracking chips and Serial numbers. This way, even if they do escape and remove the chip, they'll have a nice reminder of what happened here.

Lightbulb's P.O.V:

I haven't been sleeping. At all. I feel....horrible. I feel sick, I feel depressed, I feel scared, and I feel upset. I can't hear, and I can't see. All I can see are the walls around me, and can hear my own sanity just cracking like the rest of me. Well, I can still see. It's just....different. I may have said I can't keep promises, but I might just keep this one. There has to be a way out of here....right? Pretty sure everyone else is asleep now, even thought it should be time to get up. I hear the door unlock, and someone step in. Test Tube. She's probably came to get Apple out of here, and clean up whatever Fan left behind. "Qué gusto verse de nuevo. Bueno, no realmete, pero ya sabes a qué me refiero" I said quietly, not expecting her to respond. "No puedo estar de acuerdo con eso, pero hoy tengo una nueva tarea para ustedes" She responded smartly. I sat up, and turned to look at her. "Sabes que puedo entendres inglés, verdad?" I questioned. She cleared her throat. "Of course I do. So, why Spanish? I know it's not the only language you can speak." I thought about that for a bit. "Supongo que elegí el español porque es lo único con lo que hablo con fluidez y es más fácil que las otras cosas que sé" I respond. "Y es lo que mi cerebro eligió para" I add quickly. I notice her take out a clip board and write what I said down. "I see. Have you tried speaking english, and do you still think in English?" She asked, looking up from her clipboard. "No creo que pueda y sí" I responded skeptically. "Well that's nice. Can you feel any pain anymore?" "Por qué preguntas" I responded quietly. She dug around in her coat pocket, pulled out a weird pen thingy, a scalpel, and a microchip. "I need to put one of these on your right hand." I backed away and shouted "What the heck Test Tube?!" Huh. I'm back to English. She grinned. "So you can speak English normally. But I'm serious about the chip thing." I try to comprehend the situation. I don't even think I CAN feel pain anymore. I held my hand out willingly. "I don't think so. Even if I did, it's good punishment for Cannibalism." I said bitterly. "Good. Shouldn't be too bad, since your easily broken. Means your skin is too." She replied, tracing a box on my hand with the Scalpel. It wasn't too bad. Didn't even notice she made a flap until the stuck the chip onto my raw muscle. I flinched, but didn't yell or cry. I was right. I didn't feel pain, I was surprised. When I looked back down, she had stitched my hand back. The chip didn't even stick out, it blended in. "How...odd. And you didn't feel any pain at all? "Nothing" I responded blankly.

Test Tube's P.O.V:

It appears my theory was correct. She can't feel in any pain at all. She's gotten so used to it her brain just dulls it out, unfocused. How delightfully interesting and distastefully concerning. Well, maybe she can be useful like this. I was planning some.....Behavioral tests for later. Since she still has her arm out, over her chip I write her Serial Number. 1-4. Easier than the first three digits of Pi. She glances up at me. "We done yet?" She asked quietly. "Yes. Do you think you could help me with something?" I asked. I saw her eyes cloud...she's remembering something. I wonder what that would-.....Oh. She snapped back. "Why would I ever help you?" She retorted. "I don't think you have much of a choice. You can wallow in your pity until you die, or you could speed things along for yourself. Which sounds better?" I asked her. I knew she'd pick Speed things along. "Fine" She said grudgingly. "What do you need?" I reached into my coat pocket, and this time grabbed two small needles of anesthesia. "I need you to make sure those two stay asleep a little bit longer" I replied, trying to sound positive. Lightbulb didn't react. She just took the needles and did as I instructed. "Good. You can explain later" I take the empty needles back, and repeat the process with Fan and Paintbrush. Fans numbers are 3-4, Paintbrush's 2-4. Now It's complete. I walk out the door quietly, but not before saying "Thanks" to Lightbulb. I hated doing it...But I locked the door behind me and headed to my office.

I sat down at my desk, and sighed. I'm having to write yet another informative in under a month. This time, it's to a kidnapping investigation committee. I pick up a red ink printing pen instead of my usual black, and begin to write in my neatest handwriting.

Hello Factually Members Of the Kidnapping Investagation. I'm not sure if you are aware, but one of your investigators entered my facility. I had no choice but to keep her with the others. She died around 12 hours after she got here. Do not worry, most of the others are alive. I hate to admit, but Subject 4-4, more commonly known as Marshmellow, also died on my premise. I'll be sending you both of their remains. I'll spare the details of their deaths, in their respect. I suggest you do not send anymore investigators down here, or they will join the other subjects in new rounds of experimentation. I have all my subjects Serialized and Chipped, so if they escape, please let me know. Happy Hunting! Yours Truely ——Metal Kidnapper.

I smile in satisfactory at the letter. I grab the two bags of remains I had saved and taped them to the letter. I walked across the room to my mail box, wrote an address on the letter, and stuck it in. I heard it swoop up to where ever it'll go. I didn't add a return address, so I doubt they'll find a way to return the favor.

*Three Hours Later*

Paintbrush's P.O.V:

My head hurts like crazy. I have no clue what happened other than the fact Apple died. I tried to move my right arm up, but it was stiff as a board. My eyes filter the light around me, and I notice two numbers written in white on my arm. 2-4. Serial numbers. I look over at Fan, who's waking up too. He seems just as shocked as me to see the number. "P-Paintbrush....Flip your hand over" He stammered fearfully. What on earth-... holy cow. "We've been Microchipped?!" I yelled angrily. Then I heard someone behind me speak. "Basically, yes. Now we really do have no chance of escape" Lightbulb. She's back to speaking English. "Oh hey, you're speaking English now." I remarked sarcastically. "At Least I'm talking" She retorted. "Well I suggest you keep your mouth closed before it lands on somebody else's corpse" I said harshly. "T-That may have been a bit much Paintbrush" Fan stammered. When I turned to look at her, her eyes were dull, her expression was numb, and small tears pooled in the corner of her eyes. I stayed silent. I wish I could say 'I didn't mean it'....But I did.

Fan's P.O.V:

Okay maaaayyybbeee Paintbrush went a little far on that one. I wish I could help Lightbulb, but she's pushed herself away and lined herself with caution tape. Maybe that tape was always there, and I never noticed, but it's certainly unhelpful now. Why do those two have to fight all the time? It's unhelpful and unprofessional. I glance back down at my hand. I can sort of see the chip, but not very well. I understand why she chipped us, just so she can track us down if we escape. But why did she Serialize us? It's....odd. I don't Iike seeing things I can't understand, but then again, that's been this whole event in a nutshell. I'm worried thought. My tear injury isn't looking so good. It's burns when moved, and it's turning greenish yellow at the edge. I hope it wasn't infected, that wouldn't be good at all. I can only hope It'll be okay.

(A/N: Daaannnng Paintbrush. Things may get harsher, as the Trigger warning is coming up. Well I liked this one, since I no longer have to write Lightbulb in Spanish)

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