13:Game Escape

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Log Date: 1552. Apparently I'm not as safe as I thought I Was. There is an investigation community, and they're on to me. They know I'm a "She" and that I take my subjects near the vending machine, the thing disguising my lab. I'm going to start having to be more careful. I've gotten my supplies, so that's good and well. I'm debating on whether to writing Apple an informative as well.....she'd like to know if something happened, which it did. I'll report again later...Hopefully.

Test Tube's P.O.V:

When I return back to the deeper part of my lab, having already dropped off my stuff, I feel a disturbance. Something's changed, I can feel it. I rush down to Room 21, and notice not only is the Intercom completely fried, Subject 1 is missing. She's escaped. My question is how?! The door and windows aren't unlocked and she's too big for the Food Shoot. I'll question each one when I get in there. I unlock the door, and enter the room. 

Paintbrush's P.O.V:

Well crap. Test Tube's back earlier than expected, and Lightbulb isn't back yet. I glance nervously at Fan, who looks just as anxious as me. Test Tube doesn't look furious, but when I get a glimpse of her eyes, man is there a raging spark. "I presume you two wouldn't happen to know where Subject 1 went, would you?" She asked in a deadly quiet tone. "First of all, Her name is Lightbulb. Second of All, if we did, why would we tell you?" I snapped at her. "Well, for starters, if you do, she'll have a higher chance of living. Second, I gave you specific orders not to damage anything. Something is clearly damaged." She said, glaring up at her intercom. "I-It was my idea!" Fan shouted. She turned to look at him, clearly surprised. "Oh really?" I noticed her begin to twitch. That isn't a good sign. "Y-Yes....I thought it would be a good time while you were away to get Lightbulb out of here. She said she'd come back for us after she found a key" He responded nervously. "Well, it just so happens I keep the key with me. She isn't going to find one" Test Tube said bitterly. "I'll deal with you later. First, I need to find where she went" She walked out of the room, shutting and locking the door behind her.

*Around Three Hours ago*

Fan's P.O.V:

Maybe Lightbulb's idea isn't so bad, but Paintbrush is right. There is literally no way out of here. I pick up my phone, and boredly scroll through the apps I have. I've finished literally everything on here. Then my eyes fall on an app I downloaded about two years ago, when I was in my puzzle phase. An Escape Room app. Then an idea hits me. I'm in an escape room! Well, kinda. Maybe this could help! Since  I haven't started yet, I'm not going to tell those two. I start up the app, and begin the game. It's so similar to my situation. Okay...this app is a lot harder than I remember. But I do notice that there is a vent on the roof. Maybe that'll help. I glance up at the ceiling. There's a Vent! I squeal so loudly, the other two turn to stare at me.

Lightbulb's P.O.V:

Did Fan just Fan-Squeal? If he did, that was the weirdest sound I've ever heard. I walk over to him. "What?" I asked curiously. "I...I found a way out!" He shouted, pointing to the ceiling. Paintbrush turns to look, and so do I. Turns out he was pointing to a vent. My eyes light up. I knew there was a way out of here! "Well how did we get up there?" Paintbrush asked. "Let me look"Fan replied, looking back down at his phone. "It says here we need to stack things up to get up to it, then rip it off" Fan added quickly. "That sounds easy!" I yelled, ready to get out of here. "I'll have you sit on Paintbrush's shoulders, and I'll climb up both of you up to Vent. Then I'll take it off, go through, find the key, and come back to get you guys!" I chirped happily. This is finally how we get out of here. 

Paintbrush's P.O.V:

So...Fan, of all people, found a way out. We have about four hours until Test Tube comes back. Seems easy enough. I duck down low enough for Fan to be able to get on my shoulders. I hate the idea of this part, but if it's means we get out of here, I'll do it in a heartbeat. "Just so you know, we will never speak of this again" I growled. "Agreed" Fan complied climbing onto my shoulders. I straightened out. Fan's a lot lighter than I thought he was. Now, for the hard part. Managing to get Lightbulb up both of us. I walk me and Fan to nearly right under the vent. "Ready?" Lightbulb called. "Yup were good!" Fan called back down. She instantly began to climb up us. Her foot is sharp! I look down at my torso, noticing she actually left scratches in my wood. Gosh Dangit Lightbulb. She's gotten up Fan by now. She's working on the vent. "Got it!" She yelled, ripping the vent cover off throwing it on the ground. It hit me on the way down. Yet another scratch. Ouch. Before she pops out of the room, she speaks. "I'll be back for you guys later. Take care of yourselves!" She called, then climbed into the vents. 

Lightbulb's P.O.V:

I made it! Now just gotta find my way to the main Lobby and get out of here. I crawl slowly through the vents. I just barely fit in here, but I can manage. Paintbrush and Fan are counting on me. This reminds me of a similar situation I've been in. As I crawl, I think. No wonder I wasn't afraid, I've crawled through vents before. When your house is on lock down, you need to learn escape methods. 

"What do you mean we might die?!" Screeched Marshmellow. "I mean, we have a 25% Of living through this! And keep your voice down!" Paintbrush direly whispered back. It was more gameshow lock down, apparently someone went cuckoo and decided to attack someone. That Some attacker was Taco. I never thought of murder as an option, so I'd have to keep cool. On the inside, I was afraid of dying. I could break so easily, and I have so many things I haven' done. My only escape was the Air vents. As I headed up one I heard Fan yell "Where are you going?!" "I'm getting out of here!" I yelled back. I managed to call the cops and get us all safe. That just boosted my optimism. "Smile," I told myself "Because you never know which day Is your last"

I stop at a vent intersection, and kick the floor below me. Of course, I drop, but not where I thought I would be. I landed myself in the generator room. I open one of the many fuse boxes, and see a wire and switch labeled "21 intercom". I know what to do. I rub my hands together and shock the wire. That should take down the intercom. The room also looks like a storage room. I dig around the drawers and boxes hoping to find something. 

*Back to Present*

Test Tube's P.O.V:

"So you have absolutely no idea where she is, or what happened to the intercom?" I asked angrily. I had searched the entire bottom two floors. She wasn't there. "Basically. We just helped get her out of the room. No idea what happened to her or that thing" Paintbrush said, pointing to the intercom. I sighed. "I'll fix it later. And I'll find a Lightbulb later too. She made the mistake of escaping, Let her be lost. I have an informative to write" I decided that I was going to write Apple an informative, just so she knows. I walked over to the spot where 4's ashes sat, picked them up, bagged them, then headed for the door. "What are you going to do with those?" Fan asked quietly. "I'm sending them back to who they belong to" I replied quickly, leaving the room and locking the door behind me. When I reach my office, I sit down in my chair. I pull out a piece of paper and my printing pen, and begin to write.

I doubt you'll ever find out who this is from, but if you do, don't do anything about it. It's a hopeless case. I regret to inform you that while under Experimentation, Subject 4, more commonly known to you as Marshmellow, has passed. Here are her-

I can't do this.... My hand shakes and I'm trying to keep myself from breaking down. Apple cared so much about Marshmellow....It would break her heart to learn she died. Much less....from murder. She'd tell the committee, and then I'd be in big trouble. Not to mention, the fact that the longer I stare at this bag...the more terrible I feel. I mean, sure, this is my job. I have a lisense and everything. But...Apple is a pure innocent. She's worked so hard to get Marshmellow back on her side, and to build a life for them. I ripped Marshmellow away from that life. If I tell Apple the truth, I don't think she'll survive. I throw the paper, Pen, and Bag across the room. I don't want to look at it anymore. 

(A/N: The idea for this Chapter was given to me by @CloverThe3rd. Thanks By the way! Enjoy another cliffhanger >:3 Kinda.)

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