34: Sparks Fly

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Log Date 1572: It's.. gone. All of them.. are gone. All of it.. gone in an instant.. this is where we're all going to die. The experiment.. the experiments a success. I'm.. kind of proud. To you sick freaks who.. who are following after me on this.. reading these logs.. don't bother checking for more.. I.. I need to go

[Lightbulbs POV]
I hazily open my eyes and am filled with disappointment. Shit. I didn't die in my sleep. That's perfect. I screwed my eyes back shut in frustration, rolling back over. I held my breath, just hoping I'd pass out so I wouldn't have to deal with being here. With a gasp, I gave up. I laid there catching my breath before pausing. I don't hear someone else breathing.

"Fan?! FAN?!"
Sitting up with a snap, I instantly curled in on myself. Shaking it off, I looked over. No Fan. The other side.. no Fan. No no no no no, don't tell me he.. he can't have. When I looked forward I felt my blood run cold. The door.. was left open. Looking up, she wasn't there either . She.. took him. She took him and forgot to close the door. I quickly looked for any evidence of struggle or a hint of where they went. Nothing.

Getting up was a struggle, considering I've just been opting not to move recently. But I managed it. Had to grab the wall, but managed it. I felt my gut fill with static as I approached the door. With a shaky hand I reached out, nudging the door slightly more open before quickly drawing it back. When I looked back up.. nothing bad happened. The door just.. opened. I could.. hear something though..?

When I finally tuned back in, it hit me like a brick. The volume of the sirens made me push my hands over my head with a force I thought would shatter me. God, it smelled horrible too. Like something was.. burning. Shakily I dashed out into the hallway, hands still up to try and drown the sound back out. The smell was worse out here. I had.. no idea where he went. But the door.. part of the warning was flaked off. Hah, I did that.. didn't I? How.. how long ago was that.. good god. We don't have time for this. He could be burning alive right now and I'm wasting time reminiscing.

From what I can remember.. going right leads to the main hall. Going left just leads to the end of this one. So he must've gone right. As I started running, I immediately hit the floor. As I did, I realized my adrenaline had once again tuned me out. The sprinklers had started going, and the floor of course was wet. The smoke didn't stop though.. when I finally got up and kept moving, the smoke only got worse. I didn't hear anything though.. couldn't see anything either. The smoke started burning my eyes. How was I going to find him like this..? Cmon Lightbulb, you're bright, you can do this..

As I thought, it got worse. The lights started flickering, as they usually did but.. they all went out. Instantly. The water.. it must've gotten into the fuse box. Dammit! Now we're both going to be stuck wandering in the dark. I wheezed, narrowing my eyes in an attempt to see and breathe. The fire alarms gave a dim light but that.. wasn't enough. Wait. Bright. I'm bright! I may have no idea where I'm going, but I know that I'm bright. Even brighter when I'm actually lit up.

I struggled to start though. When I shattered, my own fuse must've gotten messed up.. and stupid Twisted Tube never realized. No way in hell am I going to ask her for anything.. never again. I'm never having hope for her or anyone down here again.. the only hope I can rely on is my own. My own, to get out of here. Grab Fan and get out. Last resort then.. I rubbed my hands together until I felt a charge. Then, I grabbed my shoulders and released. As sharp jolts rolled through me, I squeezed my eyes shut. You'd think I wouldn't be able to feel it, but currents aren't exactly pleasant for me either.

Shakily, I opened my eyes. The stinging sensation hit immediately, but I was able to.. actually see in front of me. It worked! I knew I had this under control. I just.. need to get used to it. I squeezed my shoulders again until my arms ached and the shaking stopped. After that, I got back up. Started running. Calling out for Fan. Praying that I'd get any kind of response. The burning brought tears to my eyes, that I just had to shove off. Not now. He's in here somewhere and I needed to find him.

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