8: Lies

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Log Date:1547. Things have been going well for the subjects. 1 is still numb. I wonder if that's a personal choice or if it's been caused? Maybe Personal Interaction would help? I've already visited them enough....I'll come back in a few days. Three days until food rations are cut. I'll be nicer and give them more Non-perishable foods. Sounds good....Sounds good. Subject 4's vitals are back up, and she's back to functioning normally. Good.

Narritive P.O.V:

The group sits around, eating the halves of sandwich  Lightbulb had saved. Lightbulb poked her sandwich a bit, then ate it, unable to resist. Delicious sandwich. Everyone else agreed. Better than eating Marshmellow. Everyone has pretty much forgiven Marshmellow. 

*A few hours later*

Lightbulb walks up the everyone, grouping them in a circle on the floor. "What's the point of this?" Paintbrush asked. "It's a fun game" Lightbulb replied simply. Paintbrush did their "Weird Eyebrow thingy" but did indeed sit down. Fan sat next to Paintbrush, and Marshmellow next to Fan. Then Lightbulb proceeded to sit between Marshmellow and Paintbrush.

Lightbulb's P.O.V:

Ooh! Everyone's going to love this game! Even if I've been in low spirits, that doesn't mean they have to be! So this game is mainly two truths and a lie. The goal is to find out what the lie is. Easy  peasy, right? Hopefully nothing goes wrong this time.

Narritive P.O.V:

Lightbulb explains the rules of the game to her group. "Easy, right?" She asked, grinning. Fan raised his hand quietly. "Yeah Fan?" She replied. "So we can lie about anything, but there has to be at least one truth?" He asked simply. "Absolutely! Anything and Everything goes, as long as there is one truthful statement." She chirped. "Any other questions?" She asked. Everyone shook their heads. "Good! Who wants to go first?" She looks around. No one speaking. "Fine. I'll go first, since y'all are too chicken." She flaunts her hips, specifically looking at Paintbrush. Their hand twitches a bit, but they collect themselves. Lightbulb gains a disappointed  look. "No? Okay then. Number 1: I've once eaten Rat Poison and Lived. Number 2:I have a crush on mostly Everyone in this room, and others"She winks subtly, and everyone laughs. "Number 3:Baxter has two cousins named Bob and Barry." She finishes. "So..." She said, her eyes shifting from each member. "What's my lie?" She asked. "I'd say Number 1. That's Impossible!" Fan exclaimed. "I'd have to say Number 2. It's not very likely, now is it?" Marshmellow replied. Fan took that into consideration. "You're right! Can I change my answer?" Fan asked quickly. "Yup!" Lightbulb replied. "What about you Painty?" Lightbulb turns to them and asked. "It has to be Number 3. It's obvious." They roll their eyes. 

Lightbulb's P.O.V:

Ooh! I should've known Painty was too smart for me. But if I say that Number two was my truth, I might ruin my friendship with everyone. So I just lie about my lie. "Actually Painty, Marshy and Fan were right" I said quietly. They look at me, clearly surprised. Fan pumps his fist and High-Fives Marshmellow. Paintbrush examines me. They know I'm lying, but they don't say anything about it. "Alright Fan, your turn." I said quickly

Fan's P.O.V:

Oh I guess it's my turn. I say it's pretty smart of me to get the first round right. But it was obvious. Like, hit you in the face obvious. Hmm....let's see... Oh I know! "Okay then" I said "How's these....Number 1:I've tried Online dating and ended up dating a dog. Number 2: I've once stayed up from 8:00pm to 8:00 am doing an Anime Marathon.(A/N:Haven't we all Fan?) Number 3: I've actually been popular in school" Paintbrush burst out laughing at the last one, and Lightbulb and Marshmellow snicker. "Hey!" I yelled. "It's not funny" "Yes it is!" Cried Paintbrush, who was doubled over laughing. "I'd go with Number 1, just to be nice" Lightbulb said sweetly. "Number 3, Sorry Fan" Marshmellow snickered. "I second that notion" Replied Paintbrush, who was still laughing on the floor. "Too bad. Lightbulb got it right. It wasn't a dog, it was a cat." Paintbrush immediately stopped laughing and sat up. "You were popular?!" They gasped. "Yeah"  I replied. "For having the most Manga in the school." Lightbulb's eyes lit up, and Marshmellow couldn't help herself from laughing. Paintbrush just stared. "Okay, if it's so funny Paintbrush, your turn." I said challengingly

Paintbrush's P.O.V:

So little red Flatface challenges me to play a kiddie game? Fine. I can do that. "Fine." I said, standing up. "Number 1:I've actually burn the Tent down just because I stubbed my toe" "Pssh, that's obviously true Painty. I was there" Lightbulb claims. Ugh, right I forgot. "Number 2: I've actually tried painting my nails." "Woah, really?" Marshmellow asked. "The point is to guess Marshy" Lightbulb replied. "Oh! Right, sorry" She covers her mouth with her hands, turning a light pink. Cute. "Number Three: I have never, ever, actually attempting self portrait painting" "That one is actually pretty believable" Fan replied. "I'd say Number 2, since I live with you, and I've never seen that happen" Lightbulb taunted. I ignored her taunt, and listened for the other answers. "I say Number 3, because you're too never too tall for a canvas" Marshmellow said, still a bit pink and laughy. "I'd have to say the nails thing, you'd never do that. Ever." Fan stated.  Looks like Marshmellow wins. "Marshmellow is right. I've actually done a self portrait painting. I just trashed it cause it sucked." I shrugged. "I don't think that's entirely true Painty. I would've liked it" Lightbulb said with a hint of disappointment. "Well whatever, it's Marshmellow's turn" I said.

Marshmellow's P.O.V:

Guess it's my turn. Lightbulb clapped. "Yay, we're almost done!" Then almost the second she clapped, the lights dimmed. "Nuts!" Lightbulb yelled. "Guess that means lights out" She said, and she walked over to her little sleep corner. "Maybe we'll play again tomorrow." She said, yawning and laying down. "I second the sleeping notion"Fan replied, stretching and yawning, walking over to his corner. I heard his quiet snoring, so I knew he was sleep. Paintbrush was lying down, staring at the ceiling. I heard them quietly muttering "I promise...., right" I walk over to my corner, and lie on the ground. I draw in the dust, just like Apple would've wanted us to. I draw a small apple, and then fall asleep.

(A/N: This one took awhile, but it's finished, yay! Enjoy)

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