14: No strikes, You're Still Out.

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Log Date: 1553. Apparently the vent wasn't secured well enough, and 1 escaped. I'll let her try to find a way out, which she won't. This lab has five floors, each with around 25- 30 rooms. If she finds a way to my office, there will be consequences. I'm started to get tired of watching them. It's a much harder task than I thought, along with they don't behave as well as the other subjects.  I'm going to deal with 3 today. Hopefully no struggling, because I just want to fix things. Respect is gained by Fear right?

Fan's P.O.V:

I'm nervous. Test Tube's back, without Lightbulb. She said she'd "Deal With Me Later" so I have a reason to be. I glance at Paintbrush, who just stares hopefully at Test Tube. Test Tube has been staring me down for the past 10 minutes. She finally speaks, which just makes me tense up. "You know, I've been thinking. Maybe.... I've found a perfect way to punish you both" "Paintbrush didn't do anything- wait....you mean Lightbulb, don't you?" I glanced fearfully up at her. She just gives me a sly smile in return. "Of course, I just have to find her first. Or she'll find me." She walked out the door, and locked it behind her. 

Lightbulb's P.O.V:

I walk around the hallways. I still don't see anything familiar. I'm super lost, so now what? I've got no key, nothing. Ooh! I have an idea! I'll just light up. I light myself, which allows me to see better. I stop near a door. It reads "Room 120" I notice the plate below it. "Main Office". Perfect! If the key is anywhere, it's here! I fiddle the door open, and glance around. No one's home. Perfect.  I glance around, and see something on the floor. It's a pen, a bag with ash...., and a letter. I read it slowly. Test Tube was writing to Apple. I cringe.... but I'm glad she didn't send it. I see the key sitting under a lamp. Wait, key?! Yes! I reach for it then I hear a voice behind me. "I suspected you'd find my office eventually" I jumped half a mile, and turned around. It was Test Tube. She was grinning at me. But it was a physco grin. I back up, but hit the desk. She grabbed my wrist and dragged me out the room. I reach for the key, but she pulls me away. "I don't think so. We have a task to finish" "What task?" I asked, still struggling to go back. She had a tight grip! She was leading me around, back to Room 21. "Well, you broke the rules. I have to punish you for it." She replied, reopening the door to Room 21. When she dragged me in, Fan was a pale pink in the face, and Paintbrush looked horrified. I glared at her. "So what are you going to do to me? Kill me?" She laughed physcotically. "Heavens no! I'm going to hurt your escapee" She said, turning to Fan. "And you're going to have to watch him suffer." I paled at the answer.

Fan's P.O.V:

Wait....did she just say she was going to hurt me?! I back away from her, but she just walks towards me. "Well, there are many ways I could hurt you. Which one would hurt her the most?" She asked, tilting her head to one side. "H-How about none?" I stammered, backing away. The more I walk away, the more she walks towards me. Paintbrush flinches. "You can't do this! It's physcotic!" They yelled. She didn't seem to hear her. Lightbulb runs in front of me. "Please! Hurt me instead, just don't hurt him! It's unfair!" She yelled, trying to protect me. "I understand it's your nature to protect your team, which is exactly why I'm doing this" Test Tube replied, shoving her against the ground. Paintbrush lifted her back up, and their hair sparked. "I wouldn't" Test Tube warned. "Remember last time? You've still got a quite flammable friend over here." Paintbrush growled and stepped back. Guilt and Rage sat in their expression. I can't move...I can't move! Wait...duck tape? I look at Test Tube quizzically. "It's to hold you down. Against the wall. So you don't struggle or hurt me" She replied. "Why are you doing this?!" I cried to her, hoping to summon my Test Tube from the depths of where ever she went. "It's for science Fan. I'm perfectly sane. This is just for my studies" She replied, smiling. I flinched, then she touched the edge of my paper. I glance up at her worriedly "You wouldn't...." I said quietly. "Oh 3, but I would."

Test Tube's P.O.V:

They want to go against me? Fine! I'll play by their own rules. They don't want to want to play by mine. It took awhile, but using Lightbulb's mindset I think the best way to tor- er, punish her is to have someone she cares about be injured, and have her watch. Perfect....It's a good method. You can't do this for much longer. You know she won't survive this....she's already seen enough. You need to stop. I attempt to push my thoughts away. Lightbulb just watches fearfully from the floor. I grab Fan's edge, and slowly tear at the paper. I hear him whimper, but clearly he's holding to himself to not make Lightbulb feel too bad. About two inches to it, and the tissue has already begun to bleed. Not that I mind of course, just makes it all the more satisfying. Wait...did I just think that? I look back at Fan. He's trying to scream or cry clearly, and Lightbulb is already crying. I've torn him about four inches down, and I'm extremely close to his eye. He's not looking at me anymore. Just at the ground. I do it. I rip down to his eye. This time, he actually yells. I hear Lightbulb gasp and sob. Paintbrush glares at me. This time...I actually stop and look at the damage. He's bleeding at each tear, and I ripped straight through his right eye. "I...I can't see!" He yelled and struggled to get his arms free. I pull the tape off the wall. "That should be enough for now." I said quietly. Lightbulb was still crying. "I'm....so sorry...." she said to Fan. Paintbrush just glared at me more once, and patted Lightbulb on the back comfortingly. 

I walk out the door, but not before looking at Fan once again. Next Time....I shouldn't be so hard on him. 

(A/N: Behold, pure torture at it's finest. Sorry it took so long. Hope you enjoyed!)

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