16: Fruit Snacks

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Log Date:1555. I just remembered that since we have a new food member, I can an enforce the two weeks rule. Excellent. I always enjoy this part of the experiment. I wonder if anyone will get food poisoning this time, if anyone does. What I do know is I've already sent down a note explaining the situation. I wonder if they'll stick with rations, or go straight up cannibalistic. Either way, it's still good to take notes.

Lightbulb's P.O.V:

Like I have been doing, I wake up before everyone else. I can't ever sleep anymore. Not with the constant fear of attacks, being watched, and baggage. I notice a slip of paper where our food should be. I pick it up. It reads "Remember the 'Two weeks till no food? Well  you have a food Object now. You can kill her now or save her for later - Test Tube" I throw the paper down. "Tienes que estar bromeando!" I yell, and then turn to Apple. She's asleep.... but twitching. I notice how easy it would be to just...Lightbulb, No! Your not a cannibal, and you're not insane! You've just switched languages. "Tal vez ella me dejariá si, si preguntara" I said quietly. You know, she probably wants to die almost as much as you do. She wouldn't mind any. Plus....No one would know it was you. You're right creepy voice I can't see. 

Apple's P.O.V:

I was dreaming peacefully, then I heard someone yell "You've got to be kidding me" so I woke up. It was in Spanish, so clearly it had to have been Lightbulb. I sit up, and see Lightbulb just staring back at me. It was dark, but somehow her eyes managed to glitter. "Que?" I asked. her suspiciously. "Oh nada. Además, cara a cara, tengo hambre" she replied.  I only understood half of that, so I tilted my head. Next thing I know, she's on top of me, and I'm screaming. She bites into my neck like some sort of vampire, and rips a chunk of my flesh out. The room blurs....and I only hear white noise....

W-Where am I?! I yelled, hoping someone would answer. Then, I saw her. Marshmellow. Marshy! I yelled, trying to run towards her. But I was stuck in place. "Well Apple, you're dying" Marsh responded calmly. "Does that mean i'll Be with you again soon?" I asked her quietly. She shrugged. "Pretty much" Yay! I yelled. "But you're going to have to go through the pain of having your body ripped apart first" She said sadly. Wait, what?! I noticed her fading away. Marshy no!

When I zoned back in, all I could see is foggy images of the room around me, and the sharp smell of my own blood/juice. I heard someone distantly yelling "Are you insane?!" I didn't hear the answer, I just felt more searing pain run through me. Please Marsh...just let me come back to you. This hurts...a lot. Then suddenly I heard a loud snap and everything went silent.

Then I saw Marsh.

This Time, I could hug her.

Paintbrush's P.O.V:

I woke up to the sound of screaming. Me and Fan jumped at nearly the exact same time. That screaming was Apple. Someone was on her, and....eating her?! When my vision focused, I noticed it was Lightbulb. That...can't be Lightbulb....she would never eat someone, much less a teammate. Fan just turns to me, horrorstruck. I scream at Lightbulb. "Are you insane?!" She turns  around. She is covered in Apple juice. Disgusting. I notice Fan gagging behind me. "Bueno, la gente insana no sabe que están locos, así que técnicamente no. Pero en tus términos, sí" She responded smirking, then turned back to her "breakfast". Fan just stared in horror. "H-How,long till she eats one of us?" He asked fearfully. "I don't know, and I hope we never find out" I reply. Then came the sickening snap, and Fan threw up. 

Lightbulb's P.O.V:

Apparently Apple tastes a lot better than I thought. She's sweet, but still tangy. Tastes good, and plus apple's are full of vitamins and stuff. I'm not getting sick down here, unlike Fan. Paintbrush asked me if I was insane. So I answered them honestly. I'm not sure why my brain chose Spanish, if I can still think in English. Weird. I notice that I've reached the core on one side, which disappoints me. There's a lot less.....Wait. What am I doing?! Is this Apple?! Oh my stars....I'm literally eating someone's dead corpse. I'm eating a Team Member, someone I was supposed to protect. I feel like I'm going to be sick....from the thought and the food. I've over eaten from somebody's Corpse. Maybe Paintbrush was right....maybe I am insane. How am I suppose to handle this?! I don't even know how to control myself, much less others! At least I got Apple out of her misery. Wish someone could for me though. I back away from Apple's body slowly, and go lay down. I'm not eating for the rest of the day, for sure.

Fan's P.O.V:

 Hearing Lightbulb eat someone made me sick. Literally. Paintbrush stepped back, and asked "Are you done yet?" I nodded weakly, and got up slowly. "That sounded terrible" I responded. "Well you just threw up because of it. I think that's pretty obvious." They replied back to me. I notice Lightbulb isn't eating any more. She's just in her corner, silent. "How long till one of us goes crazy like her?" I ask quietly. "Well Fan, It honestly depends. Now it's back to the three of us. Poor Apple only lasted a day" They said, shaking their head. 

Test Tube's P.O.V:

When I got to the Office this morning, the lights weren't on in 21 and everyone was still asleep. Something was clearly wrong, so I kept the lights off and went throughout the audio. I fixed the intercom while Apple was being "introduced". I heard Spanish I didn't understand....then screaming. Crunching, Screaming, chewing. Apparently someone read my note and decided to act. I heard 2 yelling, so it wasn't them. 3 got sick, I could hear it, so that leaves 1. How suprising. Instead of quarantining her this time, I'll leave her in there. Just to see how long she'll last. I don't that'll be very long, considering she has a good heart with a shattered mind. Both physically and mentally. I laugh at the thought. Good Joke, Test Tube. I turn the intercom off and look into the room. Apple's corpse has been eaten from, and there is signs of sickness. Everyone has passed out though, so I'll keep the lights off. They deserve it. Well, time to write another's file and informative. To the Committee and Mephone this time.

(A/N: Thank you so much to @CloverThe3rd For helping me write this chapter! It was hilarious in chat, not so funny in Chapter. But, the idea is still there, so thanks for the help!)

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