Chapter 12: Power

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"PeterParker, hello." somebody stepped inside the room. "Who the..." Peter didn't speak. He was trembling, "I'm Lucas, missed me?" Lucas asked him. "Why the hell would I miss you?" Peter glared at Lucas. "Oh I don't know maybe because I... stole your  family?" Lucas said emphasizing on the word stole. "As if that was my family." Peter spoke with venom. "Like all that happened was reality. When all of it was just the work of the stones." Peter said to Lucas.

"You are smart. Smart as what Thanos said you'd be, smart like your father. Tony Stark. But not that smart to know the whole plan of Thanos." Lucas said. "What do you know about Thanos? You weren't in a battle." Peter spoke. But stood back ones a blue aura surrounded Lucas. "I was there the whole time. Do you not know? I'm the power Stone." Peter gritted his teeth. He was no magician or any sorts but he still could feel the power emitting from Lucas.

"I'd take you out. Like it was a price of cake." Peter spoke. "How can you? When the price of travelling forward in time in an alternate universe takes what you are. You only had the power in the stone because of the dead Spiderman there. But you don't have any now." Lucas spoke to him. Until the man punched Peter in the face with a full force. "What can you do now?" Peter looked everywhere. "There is something I can do. There should be." Peter said. His eyes scanning every inch of the room. "There's nothing you can do. But die." Peter screamed in pain once the attack hit him.


"Hulk smash!" the hulk said smashing the monsters into tiny pieces. "Ah, the Hulk or Bruce Banner. I must ask you. How strong are you?" a blue man asked the hulk. "Would you be able to withstand? This punch?" Bruce held back the punch. "What? But my power is greater than you?" Bruce smiled. "Do you even know what I'm fighting for?" The man stood back. Bruce was now in his human form. "That man over there. Lost his son. Which means I list my nephew. I wouldn't care for any kid. But you know? The kid without even knowing, wormed his way through my heart because from what I've heard. He is the best kid someone could have. And Thanos took that away from us. So perish." Bruce grew to the hulk before punching the man in the guts.


Peter was about to be hit. But Lucas stopped. Lucas held his gut. Peter took this as a chance to do some ninja moves. He moves quietly at the back. Before kicking Lucas in the back and punching his face as Lucas turned his back. "You insolent fool!" Peter laughed. "Dr. Banner must be fighting you? Isn't he?" Peter asked. Lucas shuts up. "Then this must be the endgame. Wouldn't it be?" Lucas glared at Peter. "Power isn't the only strongest thing in the world. It's called trust." Peter punched Lucas on the face before punching at the heart. ND at the same time Hulk punched the man at the heart.

"Your powers are unpredictable. But it still won't defeat us. We have greater plans than Thanos." Peter sighed as he sat on the ground. "Do I have to battle all the stones?" Peter asked himself.

A spider crawled up to Peter's arm and looked at Peter. "You're the spider that bit me on the field trip didn't you? You made everything possible. Thank you." Peter smiled at the little guy.

"Will you be able to bring it back? Will you be able to...?" Peter asked the spider just bit him. But instead of throwing it away he let it bite him. "Thank you..."

The spider glowed brightly. As the same thing happening in the room.


Thanos was grinning until one of the stones glowed brightly. Making large cracks on it. "He is fighting with the stones..."


The hulk took the man down and it revealed tons of spiders. It broke into one. And when Tony arrived next to him. "Tones. Peter is Spiderman right?" Bruce asked.

The Iron Man nodded. "I think he isn't gone. He might still be alive." Iron Man stopped in his tracks. "He must be. Friday initiate Baby Monitor protocol." Tony said.

"Baby monitor protocol activated."

Tony just smiled.


"Hello Peter. It's nice to talk to you again." Peter smiled tears filled his eyes as he let out a sob.

"It's nice to talk to you again. FRIDAY."

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