Chapter 1: It All Starts Here

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He was swinging from building to building. He was hanging on his webs that shot out from his suit as he hummed to himself. The day was, he would say, okay. It was fairly okay with a bit of mishap here and there.

He could still hear the voice of the robber who he had caught stealing from the bank before sending him to jail with the police. It happened on the first set of his lookout.

"You're nothing but a villain! Your heroes are nothing but villains! You go around and try to act brave but when people need you the most you aren't there!"

He could hear the voice shout at him as he was being detained.

"You think you go around saving people? Ha! Don't make me laugh! You don't do shit!"

He still couldn't get it out of his mind despite knowing what the man said wasn't true. Heroes aren't omnipotent that they could save everyone or be there when someone needs help.

They were human beings despite having powers.

Sure, they have powers so what? It was up to that person if they wanted to become a hero or a villain. They choose for themselves.

And yet, despite this kind of thinking, he still couldn't shake off the feeling of being a villain, of being someone who couldn't do anything despite everything that's happening.


Peter soon reached his apartment and entered from the window in his room. He was tired he had saved people from a burning building while heading home. The young boy had saved almost everyone but two, a child was now without a parent because he was late.

Had he been in his right mind, he would have gotten change before going out of his room. His regeneration ability had taken care of the smoke he had breathed earlier but it couldn't heal him emotionally and mentally.

That was why he hadn't taken off his suit despite being inside the house.

He then raised both his arms up as he looked at the only person inside the small apartment he rested in.

His aunt and practically mother, May, had found out he was Spiderman,

He had a plan to reveal it but he didn't want to do it this way. No, he wanted it to be formal despite him being scared.

"Are you hurt?"

May asked as she went towards Peter and wiped the dust that had gathered on his cheek. He then shook his head and stared at his aunt before opening his mouth.

"I'm Spiderman?"

It was more of a question than a statement.

His aunt chuckled at his panicked expression before placing her hand on his shoulder and pulled him in for a hug. He was confused as to why she did this. Shouldn't she push him away or something?

But she didn't.

She only said three words to him.

"It's hard, right?"

He didn't know why or how but he had started crying. He hugged his aunt and sobbed into her shoulder. It was loud, ugly, but at the same time, it was sad.

She could tell that he was tired and that was because she was his aunt. She was someone who spent her time with him despite not being her own son.

"It's alright, I'm here for you."

And it seemed that that was all Peter needed for him to finally break down.


He was soon sitting on the couch, fresh and cleaned after taking a bath and changing clothes.

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