23. Hand her over

Start from the beginning

"Then we appear to have a problem. If you don't hand her over we shall simply kill all of you and take her." He threatened confidently gesturing to himself and his men behind him.

"But you're outnumbered," Yoongi stated bluntly, "If violence was used against us to take her, the eight of us will kill the six of you."

The man paused for a second then glanced at his men. You sensed what was about to happen, the men were about to reach for their guns but your group was one step ahead. By the time they had all pulled their guns out and were pointing them at each of you, you and the boys had already pointed your guns at them.

"What a shame, we were planning on keeping this friendly" their leader sighed.

The heat between the groups seemed to double. All the members of your groups glared at the other group, their fingers twitching to reach from their weapons.

"Screw it, get her boys!" He shouted at the same time he aimed his gun at Namjoon and fired.

The loud banging noise caused the horses to panic and jump. Jungkook slid off the back of Lady and dived behind a car for cover. The enemy group had taken cover and started shooting.

Lady reared up high again as they started to retaliate. More bangs sounded and you felt Lady falling backwards.

"Shit!" You shouted as she fell sideways crushing your leg upon hitting the concrete floor. You screamed in pain which carried over the sounds of the guns. Adrenaline was keeping most of the pain from hitting you but it wouldn't last long.

Forcing yourself to breathe normally, you looked around to check on the others.

Jungkook was hidden behind a car closest to your right, Jimin was holding the only horse he could keep hold of behind a nearby building. You could see the other two horses dead on the road. The guys were dotted around behind buildings, cars or fences shooting back at the enemy group.

"Y/N, GET OUTTA THERE!" Jungkook shouted loudly firing at one of the men that had stuck his head up and killing him instantly.

"MY LEG'S TRAPPED!" You shouted back, your right leg was in too much pain to attempt to wriggle out so you just laid there trying not to move it. The small protection you had, was that the men weren't shooting to kill you because they wanted you. Maybe you could use that you your advantage.

Taking a deep breath you managed wriggled out from beneath the heavy animal. You were lucky she wasn't trapping too much of you.

The shooting stopped for a moment and a voice shouted, "This is pointless risking your lives for her, hand her over and you can go free."


"Not a chance."

"Get lost!" Were the responses your boys shouted back.

You smiled to yourself feeling honoured that they refused to leave you with these men. The shooting started up again and you laid against the floor behind the dead horse. It was safer for you to stay still than you move and risk getting shot by accident.

A man suddenly grabbed you and yanked you to your feet. "Get off me!" You shouted when you realised it was one of the creepy guys. "Jungkook!" You screamed but he was busy fighting someone else who was throwing punches at him.

You started struggling and kicking the guy as hard as you could with one leg. Your heart was pounding fast and you were scared. You knew what these men would do to you if they managed to get you away from the safety of your group.

The guy was too strong for you, he pulled you to the other side of the barbed wire through a small gap and threw you into the floor. Their leader stood on your, possibly broken, right ankle and pointed a gun at you.

Namjoon, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jin and Hobi immediately stopped firing at the sight of you on the floor.

"Right, now we have your girl you will leave." The leader warned.

You looked at the guys with tears in your eyes from the pain. Jungkook was slumped against a car his face bruised and bleeding, you couldn't tell if he was dead or alive. Him looking like that scared you more than Biters at night, more than Baehyun, more than anything.

Please don't be dead!

"Give her back!" Yoongi shouted angrily stepping forward. Their leader put more weight on your ankle making you fall back into the floor and cry out in pain.

"Come any close and I'll shoot her fingers off." They all took a step back and raised their hands in surrender.

"Good. You, pick the girl up. She's ours now." He smirked still pointing the gun at you.

The other man forcefully picked you up and held you tightly, "You're going to be fun." He sneered in your ear making the bad kind of shivers go down your spine and not the good kind.

"Now, we can't have you coming back to get her so it looks like I'll have to kill you all," he said casually.

"No!" You screamed trying to get out of his grip, you couldn't let that happen.

Time suddenly seemed to be moving in slow motion. A gunshot sounded and the man holding you went limp, you didn't have time to see why he had released you so you jumped onto the leader intent on killing your friends. You grabbed his arm and fell to the floor pulling him with you. His gun went soared out of his hands and skidded across the floor. He turned to look at you with fury in his eyes. His hands when straight to your throat and he began to squeeze.

You were scratching his hands, digging your nails as hard as you could into his hands in an effort to get him to release you. Your chest was burning at the lack of oxygen and your head felt like it was about to explode. There was another loud bang and the leader released you falling to the ground. You breathed in deeply rolling into your front and coughing violently.

"Y/n, are you alright?" The urgent voice of Jimin asked as he crouched down next to you. You nodded slowly and sat up feeling dizzy.

The group was gathering together, everyone seemed to be alright. Jungkook was staggering as quickly as he could towards you, he looked in pain, alive but in pain. The chaos and noise had shocked everyone and no one spoke for a moment.

Namjoon, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jin looked shaken but alright, Jimin had mysteriously appeared out of nowhere and saved the day. Hobi was wiping away some blood off his cut lip. Jungkook looked the worst. His face was bloody, a bruise was beginning to swell on his cheekbone and the corner of his lip was cut. He didn't seem to care about his injuries however, he just looked at the red marks that covered your neck and your ankle.

"We can't stay here," Namjoon stated looking around clearly still shaken from the attack, "Let's go and find somewhere for the night."

I guess that's the worst thing that could happen.

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