Chapter 6.

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I came to, barely.

I had blood all over me.

Ashton was in my face, tears streaming. Calum and Luke was laying on the ground, I'm guessing unconscious. Poppy had a popped lip, leaning over them. Mikey was with Ash, his face in his hands.

Everything was a blur. I couldn't see, I couldn't hear. I fell back to the ground.

I could feel Ash, he was shaking me, he's tears hitting my face. I just couldn't find the strength to bring my head back up or open my eyes. Those couple of seconds felt like hours.

What happened!

The next time I opened my eyes, it was a huge chaotic scene. Police and ambulance staff everywhere, Ash was still by my side, I could make out Liz standing there, I could feel both there hands. I dropped back.

I just had the picture of my mum and dad's faces in my head. They was smiling and laughing, we was back home. We was playing with the baby giraffes, they was my favourite.


"Tz, babe? Wake up. Please!" It was Liz.

I opened my eyes, and looked down at myself, I was in a hospital bed: hooked up to 100 different things, tubes coming out of everywhere!

"Liz! What happen! Where's Luke! Calum! Oh my god! Where's Ash! Poppy, Michael! What happen Liz!" I got into a panic and the machine I was hooked up to started beeping really loudly.

"Calm down! Calm down! Everything is fine!" Liz assured me.

Two doctors came running in, checked me over, and messed about with my machine.

"You had a lucky escape Miss! You're stomach was past empty and you sugar levels was beyond low! But you should be fine now" one of the Doctors said. They both walked out.

"Liz please, where is everyone? What happen!" I began to cry.

"Tzetial, please calm down! You blacked out while driving, luckily Ash grabbed the wheel just in time before you hit something, he turned the wheel and Luke and Calum hit their heads off the windows, they got knocked out the silly sods! Poppy hit her face off the chair and Mikey is fine. So is Ash babe. You on the other hand, smacked your face off the wheel and your nose and lip blew open, but it shouldn't scar and it's all cleaned up now" Liz stood up and lent over to hug me. "You had me scared for a minute baby girl, I couldn't handle losing you too... I'll just go and get the others" she kissed me on the head and walked outside my room.

I nearly killed everyone. How could I face them all. This is all my fault!

"Babe?" Ash appeared. I instantly put out my arms out to grab him. He was safe! He saved us all! "I'm so glad you're OK!" He started kissing my face everywhere.

"I'm so sorry Ash!" I began.

He hushed me and sat down in the chair where Liz was holding my hand.

Luke and Poppy walked in together, they was holding hands.

"I'm so sorry guys! So so sorry! I just... Blacked out!" They both dived on me.

"You knocked me out! And gave Poppy a busted lip, I thought this is what we was trying to avoid" he laughed.

"I'm sorry!" I was soon quietened by Poppy.

"Don't be silly Tz! It's not your fault, it would of happen even if we wasn't on the road!" Pops assured me.

I just looked over at Ash. I couldn't let go of his hand. I just squeezed it, tighter and tighter!

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