Chapter 24.

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January 22nd.

I was home. I was sane. I was 20. Everything slowly began to go back to normal, as normal as they could.

The second I returned home Liz gave me my jewellery.

I worried about Ash, he wasn't the same? I think this whole thing effected him more than me? I had to wait 2 days after I woke up in that... Mental place to see him. He was being examined.

They let me out before Ash, which I found really weird. I told them I'm not leaving without him and then they drugged me so Liz could take me home in piece. Smooth.

I was given all these pills and potions to help me deal with everything, but I didn't need them. I don't know how but, I felt fine? I knew what happen, I remember my thoughts and the things I was saying... I went to a new level of crazy!

When Ash came home he was drugged up, high as a kite. He barely knew his name! Although he would still mention our non-existent child.

"Have you given her some lunch babe?" He'd start, then he'd realise what he was saying and try to cover it up. "Just kidding!"

I worried so much about him, he was getting better. They started to arrange tour dates again and would soon be back on the road.

"You're coming with me! I'm never leaving you! We'll get married before we go and then you'll have to stay with me!" I agreed with him. I was never leaving his side for the rest of my life.

Poppy was coming to the end of her pregnancy, I think she had about 2 months left now. It was really exciting! They was calling him Michael - Ashton - Calum Hemmings. I loved it!

Me and Ash never left the house, we stayed in and ordered food. If we needed anything either Liz, Anne Marie or Luke, someone, anyone would get it for us. We didn't want to risk being away from each other! We now did everything together. Eat, sleep, shower, you name it. It was like if I was more than a metre away from Ash I'd go into this huge panic!

"Tz could you come in the kitchen please?!" Liz called into the living room. I stood up soon followed by Ash.

"What's up Mum?"

"Ah Ash I'm glade you're here too, Tz fold this laundry and Ash be a dear and run up to the bathroom and bring the towels down!" She was trying to separate us. A chaotic look went across Ash's face. He started to breathe heavy. I ran to his side, I cupped his face in my hands.

"Look at me Ash! I'm here, it's okay!" I pleaded.

Luke and Poppy walked into the room, Ash span on them. "You're all in in it! Why can't you let us be together! I'm not leaving her! I'm never leaving her side! She's never being take away from me!"

He dropped to the floor. A needle sticking out of his arm. Luke had given him a kind of tranquilliser... It just made Ash go instantly limp and zoned out. He'd have these outbursts every so often. He'll get aggressive with his words, but he's never hurt anyone! I guess this was to prevent him from doing so.

"Why did you do that!" I sank down to Ash taking him in my arms! "He was just upset! There was no need Luke!"

I hated the way it made Ash! I stood up and ran at Luke, punching him square in the face. He jumped back, grabbing my arms.

"Mum take Pops out the room!" He screamed. "Ring Calum!" He added.

Something in my mind went and I found this buzz if energy. I attacked Luke, again and again. Punching, kicking. I couldn't stop and he knew it. I was crying and screaming! I didn't want to do this but I couldn't stop.

He gave me a big push and I fell to the floor by Ash. He was still zoned out. Luke had scratches and bruises all over his face and arms. There was blood dripping down him. I pulled myself up. And walked to the draw with the kitchen utensils inside.

I pulled it open. I pulled out a chopping knife.

"Tz, stop!" Luke spoke as calm as he could. "You don't need to use that, sis it's fine! Please calm down!" Calum then burst in the door.

My eyes started to twitch and my stomach began to hurt. I had sudden flash backs!

"Open your legs Tz! Be a good girl! Don't make a sound or I'll never let you go! You'll be mine forever!" Marlors words rang through my head.

I was screaming! "Stop it! Stop it!"

"You and Mikey will never be free!" It continued.

"Let Mikey go! Please!" I was screaming uncontrollably.

Calum and Luke had stalked around me.

I sank to the floor, and held the knife out.

"I can't do this!" I dropped it to my side. "Luke, Calum. Help me please! He'll come back, he'll come back and I'll never be free! He wants to take her away from us!" I sobbed.

"My baby sister" Luke dropped to his knees. He's blood was dripping all over the floor.

I stood up, picking the knife up with me. I walked around to Ash and fell to his side. He was coming too...

He was twitching and blinking, this usually meant he was stable again.

I stoked his hair with my right hand. "We'll get there baby. We'll get married soon. We'll get married... Friday! This Friday!" I smiled at him. He brought his hand up to mine and placed it by his mouth, kissing it. "We'll have our baby too, just try and stop us!".

He stat up and hugged me. He slipped his hand into mine taking the knife and sliding it across the floor to Calum.

"I'll call them tomorrow babe, Friday it is!".

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