Chapter 5.

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Driving to school was horrible. However, I was happy to see Ash! Tuesday still wasn't a good day for us all.. Tuesday is just a Monday a day late.

By the time we had got to Calum's Ash was passed out on Mikey's shoulder, and my eyes was closing, I nearly crashed into Calum's mail box. Oops.

"Shit Tz! I would offer to drive, but the only one of us that can drive is asleep.." Luke yelped!

"I'm fine!" I was kinda grumpy now, I just wanted to sleep, but school was calling.

Religious Studies was first, Ash sat next to me and both dropped down on our desks. No work for us this lesson.

I only had 3 periods today. One down two to go!

At break, we all met in the hall and sat down. Poppy was there chatting away to Calum and Mikey. Ash was collapsed on the table, and then I collapsed on top of him.

"Wow, those two are tired?" Poppy commented.

"Hey" I spoke into Ashton's tee. Ash was fast asleep.

"I won't ask" she continued talking to Mikey and Calum.

Luke ran over, "Tz get up now, Emily is on the war path, she's telling people how you're having sex with all of us and beat her up when she tried to help you get on the 'right path'!"

"I'm gonna kill that bitch!" I jumped up. Soon dragged down by Ash.

"No killing today, sleepy sleep sleep" he nodded back off. For gods sake Ash.

Emily walked over.

"Hey Lukey baby"

"Go away Emily, I've heard the rumours you've been spreading about Tzetial. She's my best friend and you think that making up rumours about her will help you win me back? You've got to be dreaming" Luke shouted at her.

Poppy stood up, walking over to Luke and pulling him back.

"Who this fuck is this girl now! Get off him!" Emily pushed Poppy! Luke caught her.

I jumped up. All I saw was red. I felt Ash grab me.

"Ash let go of me now!" I screamed!

"Your accent is terrible! And so is your boyfriend!" Emily shouted at me.

I used everything in me to break away from Ash, but it was no good.

"Emily, the only thing stopping her from killing you is me, you better get lost! And now!" Ash directed at her.

"Don't tell me what to do you loser!"

Ash let go. He actually let go.

I marched towards her. And grabbed her. "Emily I've never had to fight someone in my life. I don't want to, to be quite honest! But say another word against my boyfriend or my best friend, and dear god, lay a hand on my other best friend, you don't want to know what will happen!"

"Tzeital? What's going on here?!" Omg. It was Mr. Marlor!

Emily slipped away from my grip. "I'll meet you by your car after school southy".

"Tzetial!" Sir called again.

"It's nothing Sir, she's fine! Honest!" Ash answered for me. He put his arm around me and we all walked away.

"Don't be late to English! All of you!" He called after us.

I was shaking. Now I was physically drained! I had no energy! How could I fight Emily after school! I'd never even had a fight before! What am I going to do!

Class went by fast. Luke and Poppy was thanking me, Ash was sitting there upset with himself for letting me go. Mikey and Calum, was angry for not sticking up for Poppy. And then for me and Ash. We was all in quite the state.

"Tz? You alright?" Mr. Marlor asked as we all began to leave class.

"You guys go on, I'll be out in second" I said to the others, I could see them waiting outside the door through the glass.

"What was that with Emily? Ok. I'll be honest, and if you tell anyone or any teachers I will lie. I really dislike that girl! She's a big bully! There was girls like her when I was at school and I hated them!" Sir almost yelled.

"She wants to fight me after school sir, she keeps harassing Luke, and now me, and she pushed Poppy and called Ashton a Loser!" It just poured out of me.

"Okay, here's the plan, you go to her, and I'll be right after you, I'll catch her in the act!" He breathed heavy. It was weird. I'd never had a student - teacher relationship like this?

"The car park, by my jeep... It's the only jeep there" I turned and opened the door. I walked past everyone and Marched out to the car park. Let's get this over with.

Emily was leaning on my car.

"Get off her Car!" Mikey shouted.

"You're like a bad smell Emily, haven't we told you enough? Go away!" Calum continued.

My hands went into fists. Ash slid his hand in to mine. He turned and nodded at me, then kissed me on the cheek.

"Urgh. Keep it to yourself!" Emily remarked.

"Shut the fuck up!" Omg Ash swore! He hated swearing.

Luke and Poppy was standing together quite closely.

"I'll beat up you and your girlfriend Irwin. And then I'll go after that dead flower!" Emily snapped. I'm guessing the dead flower was Poppy, how original.

Poppy ran at her, but I caught her!

"Let her go!" Emily screamed. Walking close to me and Poppy! "I said let her go!"

I pushed Poppy aside, but she pulled herself back to me.

"Emily Kelly!" I heard Mr. Marlors voice like a banshee.


"Oh, so not only are you fighting and threatening people Miss. Kelly, but your also swearing! Back inside you go, I think this calls for a meeting with the principle!" Mr. Marlor got kind of hot when he was aggressive. I actually went kinda red.

Long story short Emily was excluded till Monday.

All six of us hugged. We was all there for each other. And then me and Ashton kissed... I could of sworn I saw Poppy and Luke have a little moment? Hmm.

We continued the week, stress free! I had finished our English project, Poppy had moved into our group and she did help, her material was great!

I still hadn't eaten. It was now a week. I started to feel faint and sick, but I just ignored it. Liz had noticed me getting paler, but I just told her I was fine.

Ash was worried, so I tanned myself a bit.

It was now Friday! Me and everyone handed our project in and it got an A! I knew A Midsummers Nights Dream by William Shakespeare wouldn't let me down.

I was driving us all to mine and Luke's. Ash was in the front with me, and everyone else squeezed in the back, with Poppy on Luke's lap.

Luckily everyone had their seatbelt on.

It just happened.

We was on the high way. And I blacked out. I didn't know what happened! I just heard Ash scream my name as I hit the wheel, and then the sound of everyone else's screamed rang out through my head.

I just saw black.

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