Chapter 28

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Author Note-

Hey! I know I dont ever write author notes at the start of a chapter, but I just wanted to remind you all that my story is coming to an end! I think it's about 3 or 4 more chapters.

I've been reading through the whole story and realised that every chapter is not very long at all; all the books I have read are way longer and maybe that's why it probably feels like my story is going too fast.

This is why I have decided to write a sequel, but only if you want me to. I have already planned it all out, and I don't think you're going to be happy with the storyline. MWAHA *insert evil laugh here* It will make you scream at your screen:D

Haha... so yeah:D Just comment whether you want me to write a sequel or if you want me to just stop whenever I finish this story:)



Do you ever just want to... give up? Give up on fighting against those who aren't worth it? What are you supposed to do if you want to give up? For example, I was obviously fed up with fighting Rodolphus, but I wasn't ready to die. I was way too young; a whole life was laid out in front of me. The only way I could live a peaceful life was if Lestrange was out of our lives for good, and it didn't look like he was going to die any time soon.

What about all those dreams I had of finally being with Angelina, and having a family with her... the perfect life. I wouldn't be able to get that perfect life if I didn't go through the consequences which led to her. All I had to do was kill the person stopping me from getting that life... and that person was Rodolphus. He had to go.


Rodolphus was still holding my wand, not looking as though he was going to give it back any time soon. "If anyone disarms me now, I will kill Molly." he said, glaring at us.

"No you won't. We can just kill you first." I sneered, my eyes fixed on my wand. What if he did kill Mum though? We all knew he had it in him.

"You won't be quick enough. I'll apparate into the kitchen and kill her there and then."

This was all too complicated...

"I don't believe you." said Hermione, her voice brave and powerful. She stepped forward, out of Ron's arms, and slowly walked towards Rodolphus. I could see her hand. It was holding her wand.

"You don't believe me? Well, I'll tell you something, you stupid girl. I've killed more people than you have ever met; probably more than you will ever meet. So if I were you, I'd step back."

"No! You can't tell me what to do! I know what you're like; you want to scare people into thinking you're going to kill them but you never do! I'm not standing for it!" she yelled. Wow, I never thought she was that brave... and stupid! Obviously he kills people! Is she trying to go down the route of death?! What the hell is she playing at?!

"I'm not going to kill you yet, girl-"

"I bet you won't even kill me at all!"

"Oh, you'll see... Because you're on my to-do list!"

Hermione instantly fell silent, stepping back next to Ron who reached is arm out to her and pulled her towards him.

"Oh yeah, go back to your blood traitor Weasley boyfriend. You filthy mudblood."

Oh no, not again, I thought. The last time he called her a mudblood Ron got more than angry.

And it looked like he was going to again.

I shot Ron a sharp look, as if to warn him not to over-react but it was no use.

His head was lowered, his eyes glaring at Rodolphus with a look of hatred I'd never seen him express before.

"You don't talk to her like that." he said, his voice low and dangerous.

"Woops, it looks like I just did." Rodolphus sniggered in an immature fashion.

"How can you even live with yourself?" questioned Ron. "I mean, you've killed thousands of innocent people, you're rude, ugly, cruel. I don't understand why you live. And no one even cares about you; no wonder that wife of yours didn't wait for you to break out of Azkaban. I think you know, deep down, that Voldemort was the one Bellatrix loved-"

"I WILL NOT STAND HERE LISTENING TO YOUR NONSENSE! She loved me, she married me, and she couldn't wait for me because Voldemort would have killed her for not working with him."

"Exactly! If she really loved you then she would have waited for you and taken that risk! Why don't you just stop making everyone else's life a misery and bloody sort out your own! Otherwise it's not worth you having a life!" Ron yelled, his volume increasing every few words.

For the first time in forever, Rodolphus fell silent, then turned to glare at me instead. I swear he always has to express anger to at least one person all the time.

"Who do you think you're staring at?" I snapped.

"You." he replied, tightening his grip on his wand.

Oh god... I could just tell that everything was going to kick off soon... We needed a plan. And fast.

I looked at everyone behind me and subtly mouthed "sort out a plan quickly! I'll distract him!"

I would have wanted to take part in the plan, whatever they were going to come up with, but as I was wandless I couldn't do anything with magic. I would have loved to kill him though... Make him suffer... It will make up for at least a few of the lifes he has tortured...

Dad gave a tiny nod, and I looked back at Rodolphus, pretending I hadn't just told them to make a plan.

I needed to distract him.

"I want my wand back. Now." I said, reaching my hand out towards the direction of my wand, which was hanging out of Rodolphus' robe pocket.

The answer was obvious; I knew he was just going to laugh in my face and not give me back my wand. But of course, I had to distract him.

And the best way to do that was to raise his anger levels.

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