Chapter 20

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"Arthur, w-who was that?" asked Mum, her voice uncontrollably shaking. I suppose she was hoping for an answer that didn't involve Ginny's name, but deep down she knew who that voice belonged to. She just didn't want to believe it.

"I think we should go up to the attic..." suggested Dad, completely ignoring Mum's question. He didn't want to believe it either.

We were already half way up the stairs when we heard it again. Mum shrieked, Dad gasped and I jumped (and almost fell down the stairs).

"Quick, we need to get to Ginny!" yelled Mum, running up the last few steps and standing in front of the ladder that led to the attic.

One by one, we climbed up the long, steep ladder and into the large hole which was the entrance to the attic.

I had never been here before; only Sirius ever went up here to feed Buckbeak.

At first, I only acknowledged the dark green walls and a huge picture of the Slytherin snake hung up next to a smaller picture ripped out of the Daily Prophet. It was from an article about Sirius.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were all running up to us, but their words were silence to me; I saw their mouths moving but with no sound coming out. I was now staring at something, somebody, laying on the floor.

"Ginny!" screeched Mum, running over to her. But it wasn't Ginny who was hurt, she was crouching beside someone else.

Someone who looked... Dead.

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