Chapter 17

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Chapter 17-

"Angelina?" I cried, knowing that the scream belonged to her, "ANGELINA!"

I was already sprinting out of the room, almost tripping over Yaxley's body and the broken wand beside him.

I ran through the corridor which I had walked so many times before while the scream repeatedly rang in my ears as if it was coming from the many walls surrounding me.

"Where are you?!" I yelled desperately, looking in every room in sight. Why I was speaking, I did not know, for no one in these visions could hear me. Speaking was the only way of blocking out the terrible screams which became louder and louder as I tripped down a short flight of stairs.

Cursing under my breath, I fumbled around the room. If I had a wand, I could have used Lumos to give me light, but my wand was not in my pocket.

My eyes swivelled around the dark room; I could see a tiny source of light in the corner...

I walked over to the corner of the pitch black room, tripping over unseen objects.

The light was growing larger as I stepped forward, almost blinding me now...


There, laying right in front of me, was Angelina... Her wand was producing the tiny source of light. Dreading what I was about to see, I looked up at Angelina's tearstained face.

There was a large gash on the side of her forehead, thick red blood pouring out of it.

Her arms were smothered in cuts and bruises, similar to the little bit of leg I could see through the big hole in her jeans.

She couldn't see me... Couldn't hear me... She had no idea I was right beside her. And before I had the chance to say goodbye to her (even though she couldn't hear me) the room folded up right before my very eyes.

And before I knew it, I was laying down on the living room floor once more, shaking with tears running down my face.

"George? What did you see? Is she dead?" questioned Mum as soon as I sat up.

"No... She's still alive. But she's really injured. We need to get to her."

"What else did you see?"

"Lestrange killed Yaxley and then he said he would get the Malfoys. That was when I heard the scream. That was when I found Angelina. We really need to go!"

"But... Now?"

"Yes now! I took the healing potion like you told me to, now please; can we just go? Angelina could be dead soon! He seems capable of almost anything!"

"Well let us pack a few things first... Like clothes... Food..."

"Please. I can't afford to lose another person I love... Angelina can't die... She just can't..."

By this point, my hands were shaking and my voice was trembling. I could barely get my words out. I may have sounded a bit too frantic, but I couldn't lose another one I love.

"You don't understand how badly injured she was... She even looked like she was struggling to breath..." I continued.

"It's alright George, we'll find her. We can't all go though; our house also needs protecting. Bill and Fleur, will you stay?"

"Of course."

"And if you're in trouble, apparate to Grimmauld place as soon as possible. You know how to get in..."

"Yes, we know. Now just go." Bill laughed.

Off we went, (Mum, Dad, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny and I) into the eerie darkness which was the night sky.

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