Chapter 14

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Chapter 14-

"Rodolphus Lestrange? Is this a joke? We can't go after a death eater; he won't hesitate to kill us." said Ron, looking at Hermione for support.

"It does sound a bit... Strange..." answered Hermione, looking at me.

"Strange? Hermione, if he has got Angelina then we need to kill him before he kills our Mum!" I protested.

"Oh, that will be a jolly visit. 'Hello Rodolphus Lestrange, we're going to kill you, but you needn't worry'." mimicked Ron, looking impatient.

A little laugh came over from the direction of Harry and Ginny. "Sorry... Sorry..." they apologised, forcing their mouths into straight lines.

"Well? Harry? Ginny? What do you think about it?" I asked, wanting as much back up as possible to prove to Mum that we should go and fight.

"Well..." began Harry, returning to seriousness, "he's probably just trying to summon us all so he can kill us. The last time something like this happened... I thought Sirius was in danger, but it was all-"

"That was Voldemort though, Harry. Lestrange is nowhere near as powerful as him. It only-"

"It resulted in Sirius' death! And I'm never gonna forget it! Go ahead. Fight. But you might regret it, George. I definitely do." said Harry in a shaky voice.

"I don't care what it will result in. I don't care if I die, as long as Angelina and all of you are safe from that horrible git. Please, just trust me." I pleaded.

"How are we going to get there though?" asked Ginny. "When you had that vision, you said you were in a big, dark room. How on earth are we going to know where to find it?"

"We'll travel by Apparition." I said before I could stop myself.

"Apparition? But, George, you can't Apparate without knowing what your destination is!"

"Well, I'm gonna find a way! I'm not giving up! We need to save her!"

"George, it's not that simple! He could be in bloody Australia! We ca-" shouted Dad.

"What are we going to do then?" I yelled, staring at everyone in turn. They all looked down at their feet, clearly thinking of something to stop me arguing.

Several long minutes passed, whilst I just sat on the sofa gazing at the scorching fire.

"Oh my god! I've got it!" shrieked Hermione, making everyone jump.

"Blimey Hermione!" cried Ron, panting with shock, but she was already running out of the room.

"She almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Don't moan, Ron, she might have a plan!" I said hopefully.

Moments later, Hermione walked straight through the living room door looking rather pleased with herself. As she walked towards the fire, I realised she was holding some parchment. It was the letter.

"We can find out where this letter came from! I know a sp-"

She was soon interrupted by Ron.

"Owls can't talk, Hermione."

"What?" she said, looking bewildered.

"Well we can't exactly ask Pigwidgeon where he collected the letter."

"Ron, do you really think I'm that stupid? I know owls can't talk! Just let me finish please."

"Sorry." Ron grinned.

"I believe you're all familiar with the spell Revelio? It reveals all hidden secrets. You never know, it might reveal the address it came from!"

"Hermione, you're a genius!" I cried, beaming at her. Everyone sighed in relief whilst Ron stood up and hugged her, smiling. This made me realise how much I missed Angelina; if she was dead, I wouldn't have told her that I love her like crazy.

"Okay, let's do this spell then."

Hermione pointed her wand at the letter and said, "Revelio!" enthusiastically.

Black words began to appear on the parchment, forming the name of a house. I didn't have to look twice; the address clearly read Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

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